OIE is a standard-setting body for fish, crustaceans and molluscs.
The OIE adopt standards, guidelines and recommendations by a simple majority of votes cast.
The FAO and OIE have for some time had a largely unfunded global strategy for fighting avian flu.
To avoid any misunderstanding FAO, WHO and OIE would like to reissue their joint statement originally issued on 30 April.
OIE standards, guidelines and recommendations. OIE disease information and animal health status of the various countries;
Both the new codes were prepared in cooperation with the World Organization for Animal Health, the OIE, as well as FAO and WHO.
At present, highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is listed in a infectious diseases by World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).
Dr Bernard Vallat, the Director-General of the OIE, said, "the priority now must be to address the urgent needs over the next six months."
世界动物卫生组织总干事Bernard Vallat博士说:“现在,重点必须是处理今后六个月内的紧急需求。”
All disease no matter it's foreign or local, it should be reported and controlled in strict accordance with OIE regulations and requirements.
WHO fully agrees with FAO and OIE that control of avian influenza infection in wild bird populations is not feasible and should not be attempted.
The meeting is co-organized by WHO, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the World Bank.
The virus does contain some genetic characteristics in common with classical swine flu, but, as the OIE says, it would be more logical to call it North American flu.
WHO recommends heightened surveillance for outbreaks in poultry and die-offs in migratory birds, and rapid introduction of containment measures, as recommended by FAO and OIE.
Pork and pork products, handled in accordance with good hygienic practices recommended by the WHO, Codex Alimentarius Commission and the OIE, will not be a source of infection.
The day-to-day operation of the OIE is managed by a Central Bureau situated in Paris, placed under the responsibility of a Director General elected by the International Committee.
Analyses of viruses from the Russian outbreak, recently published on the OIE website, show apparent similarity to viruses isolated from migratory birds during the Qinghai Lake outbreak.
There is currently therefore no justification in the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Code for the imposition of trade measures on the importation of pigs or their products.
OIE and FAO have identified the key priorities as evaluating and strengthening veterinary services, laboratory and surveillance capacity in affected countries and those most at risk.
Tests conducted by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) have today confirmed the presence of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza in samples taken from domestic birds in Turkey.
Beef exports increased in volume by more than 100 percent and in value by 52 percent after the OIE declared Uruguay to be officially foot and mouth disease-free without vaccination in 1996.
The meeting supported an urgent resource request for US$ 35 million to fund high-priority actions by WHO, FAO, and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) over the next six months.
CSF outbreaks can result in large economic losses in pig production and affect international trade and therefore CSF is a notifiable disease to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).