General provision of periodic inspection.
For paragraphs 16 and 17 ( general provision ) substitute.
Provision of doubtful debts only made by the specific consideration rather than general provision, no general provision is allowed.
Civil law is also an entity of both general provisions and special provisions, and the special provisions comprehend legal fiction and provision of attention.
About guilty complicity issue this, should is it suitable to apply to made a concrete analysis of according to the provision on complicity of general provisions of criminal law.
If no such provision exist, the general provision of the company law shall apply and matters may be handle with reference to Part Eighteen of the Contract law and Interpretation.
Advocate for the provision of good quality mental health services in primary health care, general hospital Settings and in the community.
As you point out, society needs a better response to depression, and funded provision of therapy for the general population is one solution.
These include the provision of information to the general public and to travellers, and raising the alert on this situation among the healthcare workers.
Laws of a host country are applicable to BOT concession under definite provision, which, however, relates closely to the general principles of legal application in contract to practice.
Article 70 in case any operator violates any provision of the present General Rules in the operation, the investors may subject the operator to liabilities under law.
Microfinance is a general term that refers to the provision of financial services for the poor who conventionally have been excluded from the formal Banking system.
Application of high technology companies, enterprises and institutions for the provision of general standards, precise professional, full service and maintenance basis.
Therefore, the general procedure is includes an exchange rate risk in the contract to share the provision, bears together by transaction both sides.
This paper introduces the general situation of Lomonosov Moscow State University, and its majors and curriculum provision, tuition fee, admission requirements, documents for transacting visa, etc.
General. If any provision of this agreement is held to be unenforceable, that shall not affect the enforceability of the remaining provisions.
The Company has always reasonably priced, Chuan-cheng-based business to customer requirements, whichever is the provision of services for the general user.
The CICPA ethical guidelines have provided general principles to assess whether the provision of nonassurance services might create selfreview threat against our audit independence.