The amazing part of Shonnetta's journey is that not only was she able to break a destructive cycle of poverty, but that she helped others how to do the same with an open and untarnished heart.
The trouble in Paris came a day after the torch made a difficult journey through a snowy London, where a protester managed to break through security and momentarily grip the torch.
Especially with refactoring, when the objective is, in a sense, to stay in the same place, it is always possible to break the journey down into steps small enough to validate.
Return - Start the journey again after a week long break.
Tickets of the Navigation Co. entitle the holder to break the journey at London and Paris.
The point is, try to break through this state of mind when you advance in your journey.
Meet is a magic thing. Maybe you will meet a person in the journey who will break the lake of your heart, disturb your normal life and make your world differently.
The Arsenal striker, who suffered a shocking leg and ankle break at Birmingham last month, has started his long journey on the road to recovery.
War drums break people's journey drear;