At precent, I give you one affirmation without ways.
The bridge is the world's largest span arch bridge at precent.
It points out that the precent ecosystem in Xiaozhangzhuang village is stable but inefficient.
In precent electronic information age, a mass of traditional files needed to be digital processed.
And the precent MAP and PDA algorithms can be considered both as the special cases of the proposed algorithm.
Other work for this contract will be in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, (20 precent), and Ulan Ude Russia, (65 precent).
Precent state of sintering process energy consumption in our country and reasons of higher energy consumption level were analyzed.
The precent and its harmfulness of soil and water loss in red earth hilly region of south of Yangtze river was dis-cussed in this paper.
This paper precent how the Bayi manganese Mine to optimize the burden composition of the ferromanganese BF, resulting to improve production situation.
The article expounded the precent situation of feed industry, and supply and demanding of feed, and prospect of feed development and application in Qinghai Province.
During operation, the speed of the turret rotation, the depth of the filling material and thethickness of the tablets unit will precent punches and apparatus from overload demage.
转盘速度、物料的充填深度、压片厚度均可调节。 机上的机械缓冲装置可避免过载而引起的机件损坏。