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Glow discharge excitation source is one of the main focuses in the research of GD-OES.
A new method of determining strontium (Sr) in natural mineral water for drinking by the ICP-OES is established.
Fine powders of 95 species of plant materials were extracted with 80% ethanol to get the original extracts (OEs).
The fundamental principle of glow discharge optical emission spectrometry (GD-OES) was introduced simply in this paper.
本文简单地介绍了辉光放电光谱法(GD - OES)的基本原理。
The parameters of the generated plasma are diagnosed by Langmuir dual probe and multi-channel optical emission spectroscopy (OES).
Apparently influenced by existentialism and structuralism, Kenzaburo Oes literature reveals a very strong linguistic consciousness.
The Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharge at Atmospheric Pressure has been investigated by optical emission spectroscopy(OES) in this paper.
Furthermore, the plasma optical emission spectra (OES) of the ionization of the working gases were analyzed in situ using a PR-650 spectroscope.
The biggest suggestion I have for people thinking about getting an OES (Old English Sheepdog), would be to make sure you find a reputable breeder.
Results show that market level factors, such as fraud rate, product price, and seller's reputation are important in determining buyers 'oes adoption.
Compared with sputter crater depth results measured with surface profilometer, the converted depth results obtained by GD-OES were accurate and credible.
This study also finds that sellers 'reputation, product price, and buyer's risk attitude has a significant effect on buyer's risk perception, which influences his OES adoption decision.