A new study by the University of Minnesota and McGill University in Montreal looks at where, and how far, this decline is occurring.
Engineering professors at McGill University have constructed a new type of wheel, designed for the moon but inspired by the humble beanbag chair.
Evelyn graduated from Maple Leaf in 2008 and was admitted by McGill University.
1990-1995 5 Department of Sociology, McGill University. Degree obtained: Ph. d.
She obtained her first degree in Singapore and PhD in Economics from McGill University (Canada).
The MUHC (McGill University Health Centre) is one of the world's foremost academic health centres.
The highest showing by a non-American or non-British university was Canada's McGill University, at No. 17.
The leader of the other study was Madhukar Pai, an epidemiologist at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
另一项研究的负责人是加拿大蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学流行病学家Madhukar Pai。
D. candidate at McGill University, who developed the algorithm after experiencing jet lag on a trip to Greece.
The school was established in 1821, from school since McGill university in Montreal is always the pride of man.
In 1954, psychologist James Olds and his team were working in a laboratory at McGill University, studying how rats learned.
1954年,心理学家James Olds和他的研究团队在麦吉尔大学(McGill University)的实验室中研究老鼠如何学习。
Graduate of University of California and McGill University, I am currently a teacher of history and general education.
Dr. Vicki Kaspi , a Professor of Physics at McGill University, explores the irradiating effects of a giant gamma ray burst.
Vicki Kaspi博士, McGill 大学物理学教授,研究地球将在巨大的伽马射线风暴辐射下毁灭。
This essay is based on a commencement talk given by the author at the Science Convocation at McGill University in June 2003.
Graduated in 2008, Senior Financial Advisor, Bank of Nova Scotia, Bachelor of Commerce, McGill University, living in Edmonton.
But Patricia McKinley of McGill University in Montreal also knew that the activity had to be something that seniors would enjoy.
Medicine, literature, and law, engineering, and natural science and agriculture is the most excellent McGill university discipline.
The effects of climate change on different parts of the world is seen visually above in a map produced by a PhD student at McGill University.
Members of the collaboration include scientists from NIST, Beijing University of Technology, Princeton University and McGill University.
The lack of obvious medical applications has also deterred funders, says Tommy Nilsson, a proteomics specialist at McGill University in Montreal.
蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学(McGill University )的蛋白质组学专家汤米·尼尔森(Tommy Nilsson)表示:“对缺乏显著医学用途的项目已经停止了资助。
The effects of climate change on different parts of the world is seen visually above in a map produced by a PhD student at McGill University.
When she got the acceptance letter, in 1936, she realized his mistake and asked a professor at McGill University whether she could accept the job.
1936年,当她收到录取通知书的时候,她意识到了Dr. Eugene Geiling教授犯的这一错误,而后她询问了另一位在麦吉尔大学的教授问她是否应该接受这份工作。
Despite the success of Wii Fit, "interaction via the feet has been greatly neglected," says Yon Visell at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
虽然Wii Fit取得了成功,“通过脚进行互动的方式被极大得忽略了,”加拿大蒙特利尔mcgill大学的Yon Visell说道。