Charles's letter was indeed published, albeit in a somewhat abbreviated form.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》This is an abbreviated form of dear which is a familiar greeting on Taobao.
This design is an abbreviated form of a complex figure with a monster face.
When necessary, authors should use style sheets to specify the pronunciation of an abbreviated form.
Therefore, remove the entire section of code shown below (in abbreviated form) from the handleMatch() method.
因此,从下面(以简写形式)显示的 handleMatch() 方法中去除整个代码部分。
The errpt can also be viewed in an abbreviated form for quick scanning or a detailed view for in-depth information.
还可以以简化形式查看 errpt 以便快速扫描,或者通过详细的视图查看深入的信息。
This information may be given in an abbreviated form provided that full details are given in the instructions for use.
Used as a courtesy title before the surname, full name, or professional title of a man, usually written in its abbreviated form.
For most elements the symbol is simply the abbreviated form of the English name consisting of one or two letters, for example: oxygen = O?
It must include the title of a work or a URL reference, which may be in an abbreviated form according to the conventions used for the addition of citation metadata.
HTML引用( Citation)标签 ( ) 表示一个作品的引用。 它必须包含引用作品的符合简写格式的标题或者URL。
Therefore, the search for the abbreviated form returns only documents that contain the abbreviation. A search for the full term returns only documents that contain the full term.
Abbreviating is a change of linguistic form, choosing a part or some parts from its or their primary words or expressions to make up of an abbreviated form to express the same meaning.
SCM Agreement ", the abbreviated form of Agreement on subsidies and Countervailing Measures, fights and restricts the specialized subsidies, it has binding forces on all members of WTO."
The process of converting to canonical form is known as canonicalization (popularly abbreviated "c14n").
转化成规范形式的过程称为 规范化(通常缩写为“c14n”)。
XML Query, often abbreviated as XQuery, is a specification that's been around in one form or another for a few years now.
XML Query,通常缩写为 XQuery,是一种已经以这样或那样的方式存在几年的规范。