If it started to rain, she would share her umbrella with me, and I would get to see the underside of a toadstool for the very first time!
When children start school for the very first time, parents often feel a sense of excitement coupled with a touch of sadness at the end of an era.
For the very first time?
Can't you hear my heart beat For the very first time?
She eis given a magical box of colors for the very first time.
她头一次获得一个装满各种颜色的神奇盒子。 。
It was only recently that I experienced it for the very first time.
For the very first time, I wished to keep that meet-cute in my mind.
But this time, I felt supported by the Federation for the very first time.
We heard stories that day for the very first time. Now we have them for ever.
But it could be that we only grasp the forms in this life for the very first time.
And what we were hearing, for the very first time, was Kobe Bryant finding his voice.
Many of Nina's family and friends came to see her perform on stage for the very first time.
Different mores, fashions, lifestyles and foreign lands were all seen for the very first time.
The sweet rush of butterflies in your tummy when you kiss someone special for the very first time.
It's giving us an overview of the high Arctic during part of the Jurassic period for the very first time.
I've got stairs up there for the very first time. I'm scared I'm gonna fall and hit my head on that metal thing.
Whether you voted for the very first time or waited in line for a very long time by the way, we have to fix that.
And when they were sure they had been born, they opened their eyes — seeing life after birth for the very first time.
After the initial puzzlement, followed for the very first time by my discovery of sun umbrellas, another thing dawned.
Yesterday I saw the penny English newspaper for the very first time, I When it spread, unexpectedly not know from start where.
Yesterday my girlfriend took me to meet her parents for the very first time. Somehow I don't think I made a very good impression.
Is it the ache you feel when you watch your son or daughter disappear down the street, walking to school alone for the very first time?
Along with the start of Christmas, the Jewish festival of Hanukkah begins and is celebrated for the very first time at the Great Wall of China.