Work slackens on a hot day.
Business usually slackens off at this time of the year.
If an artist slackens the pace, he will be beaten by his rivals.
This is why fine lines occur, skin slackens , and even joint and muscle pain occur.
If the demand for one product slackens, another line of business can provide balance.
Their lack of exercises slackens the readiness of growth of the antibodies to resist the attack of diseases.
As if glad to be free of the city, the train slackens speed and proceeds at a pace an arthritic giraffe could match.
LG's own results, announced on January 22nd, show that it too is hurting as demand for electronic gadgets slackens.
Until demand from emerging markets slackens, or new discoveries are brought on stream, there seem likely to be bouts of upward pressure.
You might imagine that thetemporary workers, like the nurses employed by time &more, arecalled in when demand is high and sent away when it slackens.
可以想像,临时工与time &more的护士一样,根据人员需求变动,可以“呼之即来,麾之即去”。
To keep mortgage markets chugging along, the Treasury will become a buyer of last resort for bonds packaged by the agencies, purchasing them in the open market if demand slackens.
Occasionally the language slackens into cliché: “we were finally addressing the elephant in the room”; “I could get into a sticky situation”; “I hadn’t quite passed the sniff test”.
小说中的语言偶尔会松散到陈词滥调,如“我们最后在屋子里对大象演讲“。 “我能进入沼泽”“我没有通过这个不屑的测试”。