Click stop to stop encoding.
On the resulting context menu, click Stop.
Encoder paused. Click stop to stop encoding.
Click stop, and wait until the MSSQLSERVER service stops.
Click Stop in the upper right corner as shown in Figure 51.
If you click Stop during a search for items or files, and then make changes to items or files in the search results, the changes are not immediately visible.
After you have moved through all the tasks, click the red stop button to exit the storyboard.
After that, pause your recording, input dummy data to enable the OK button, resume recording, click OK, and then stop recording.
Click the Record button again to stop it and you'll see the Record button is no longer there.
Impatient readers will click the Back button in a hurry or will stop skimming and go to a search box.
For more information related to Progress-U's Stop Selling! Programs including our negotiation program, please click here.
想要了解更多有关Progress - U ' s Stop Selling的内容包括我们的谈判项目请点击这里。
Click record to stop recording.
Once the procedure to be profiled interactively has finished, or you believe you have captured a sufficient slice of the batch job, you can click the Stop button.
Click the stop button to stop the execution, as shown in Figure 32.
Click the Stop Recording icon in the Functional Test Recording monitor.
The fun doesn't stop there, however-you can right-click on the desktop any time you want to skip to the next desktop background image.
Here's a simple way to determine whether a sidebar widget or element should stay: ask yourself whether it would be worth a visitor to stop reading and click on it.
Scanning will start automatically, please click "Stop" so that we can change some settings.
深入分析会自动开始扫描, 请按「停止」, 以作其后的设定。
When reading messages, you chose to remap the character sets listed below. To stop remapping a character set, select it in the list and click the Remove button.
To stop the server, right click in the Servers view and select stop.
After you have finished testing using the Universal test Client, stop the server by right click on the HelloWorldServer in the Servers view and select stop on the pop up menu.
Make sure you stop the server first, right click in the Servers views and select stop.
To begin, stop the server: in the Servers view, right-click WebSphere Application server v6.1 and select stop.
开始之前,停止服务器:在Servers视图中,右键单击WebSphere Application Server v6.1,并且选择Stop。
You can the click the "unsubscribe from 'notifications'" to stop the Notifier actor and the Consumer to unsubscribe from the notifications destination.
你可以点击“Unsubscribe from‘notifications’”停止actor,并取消消费者对“notifications”目的地的订阅。
Click the application link next to the stop button.
You must first stop the broadcast publishing point before you attempt to rename it. Click the Stop button and try again.
Click on MQ Settings and make sure to deselect Stop when the first MQ message is received.
单击MQ Settings并确保取消选择Stop when the first MQ message is received。
Save the template in the desired format, then click the stop button in the Actions palette to stop recording.