Leftmost platform is abt. 30m to top.
How abt a face grown on freckles to say GuNite?!
I was 29, and I had been at Abt for about seven years.
In contrast, cells of strain ABT are highly motile Madigan et al.
相反,细胞株abt是高度能动性Madigan et al。
All these factors convert the Abt AS4 Avant into a true sports car.
This is in contrast to strain ABT, which inhabits a microbial mat (Madigan et al. 2000).
这是相对于栖息于微生物垫的ABT株的(Madigan et al . 2000年)。
Abt has also added new 22-inch BR alloys, and carbon fiber pattern leather to the interior.
Looks and technology form a unified whole; the Abt Q7 does not only look husky, it really is.
The rear wing completes its harmonious look and ensures that the Abt Q7 never loses wheel grip.
The results indicated that ABT participated the activity in the metabolism of corn plant and possessed the acti…
The whole staff will talk abt merging possibility with a foreign company in the afternoon. That's the second type.
Using the test, they found that chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is an "easy mark" for the experimental drug ABT-737.
ABT-751 is an orally-active anticancer agent acting through the binding with the colchicine binding site on the tubulin.
ABT - 751是透过和微小管上的秋水仙素碱键结位置键结产生作用的口服有活性的抗癌化合物。
Fig4. The whole staff will talk abt merging possibility with a foreign company in the afternoon. That's the second type.
Based on the basic characteristics of microbial process, the feasibility of ABT for urban wastewater is analyzed in this paper.
This also seems to be the strategy of strain Fryx1, as cells of strain Fryx1 were thinner and many times longer than those of strain ABT.
No matter if a drive in the sunshine on the country road or a fast motorway journey - with the Abt AS4 Cabriolet, there are no limits.
Soaked seed experiment with ABT root inducing powder for dryland maize was conducted for years, and its action mechanism was investigated.
In 1929, newlyweds Viktor and Liesel Landauer employ Rainer von Abt to design them a house that becomes a masterpiece of modernist architecture.
I took those senior V.P. positions away and hired one executive vice President for global business who Shared my vision for what I call one global Abt.
The results indicated that: (1)Compared with group CT, group different oligosaccharides and group ABT significantly improved the growing performance(P<0.05);
The experiments of ABT 3 rooting powder solution of different concentrations and different soaking time on chestnut grafted plant transplanting were conducted.
At first glance the Abt Q7 looks brawnier than its original counterpart which is mainly due to the fender extensions lending the vehicle a more powerful appearance.
第一眼看上去更粗壮大约Q 7原来的同行,主要是由于贷款汽车挡泥板扩展一个更强大的外观。
No performance numbers are provided on the Abt site, but with that much torque, the driver's highly sophisticated seat-of-the-pants instrumentation is sure to feel the added punch.