When the resource adapter import wizard opens, don't panic when you see the term connector.
The terms adapter and connector are often used interchangeably because you use an adapter to connect to a back-end system.
However, it needs to make use of a resource adapter — a JDBC connector — archived in a RAR file.
Create a new J2EE connector project on your workspace by importing the resource adapter (RAR file).
通过导入资源适配器(RAR文件)在工作区内创建新J 2ee连接器项目。
You can use connector and adapter technology to make those accesses (for example read and update).
In this article, we have seen how to connect to TXSeries Encina using the J2EE resource adapter, Encina Connector, provided with the product.
在本文中,我们已经看到了如何通过使用产品提供的J2EE资源适配器、Encina连接器来连接TXSeries Encina。
For other backend systems, you should obtain or develop an adapter that complies with the J2EE Connector Architecture, which also provides for logins.
对于其他的后端系统,您应当获取或开发适合于J2EE连接器体系结构(J2EE Connector Architecture)的适配器,它也提供了登录信息。
Description: This is a J2C interface which provides details of the current implementation of the Encina Connector resource adapter.
Go to the J2EE Hierarchy view and expand connector Modules to see the new connector project that contains the imported resource adapter.
进入J2EE Hierarchy视图,然后展开Connector Modules,以查看新的连接器项目,它包含导入的资源适配器。
A resource adapter that complies with the J2EE Connector Architecture specification.
符合J2EE连接体系结构(J2EE Connector Architecture)规范的资源适配器。
The adapter has been imported to our workspace as a J2EE "Connector" project.
For messages inbound to the adapter from the broker, the names of queues to listen on are provided in the Connector Specific properties, as mentioned above.
代理中适配器的入站消息,在Connector Specific属性中提供的监听队列名,如上文所述。
Visual test connector (adapter) - Facilitates testing of end-to-end integrated solutions.
Using either the sample configuration for this adapter or another one that you have available, open the Connector Configurator to edit the adapter configuration.
或是简单的配置适配器,或是使用您可以得到的另一个适配器,打开 Connector Configurator 编辑适配器配置。
The adapter messages "Application state is connected" and "Connector Agent state is active" signify that the adapter has initialized successfully.
适配器消息“Application state is connected”和“Connector Agent state is active”表示适配器已经成功初始化。
The adapter messages "Application state is disconnected" and "terminated App Connector" signify that the adapter has terminated successfully.
适配器消息“Application state is disconnected”和“Terminated App Connector”表示适配器已经成功终止。
In Figure 2, we're importing the E-mail adapter and we selected CWYEM_EMail.rar as the connector file.
在图2中,我们正在导入电子邮件适配器,并且选择了CWYEM_EMail . rar作为连接器文件。
When you generate the Ant script, you have no way of figuring out the location of the resource adapter, because the connector project does not provide such information.
Use an adapter to connect the BNC connector to the triax input of the electrometer.
As Figure 10 shows, in the list of resource adapters you see the JDBC EMD adapter (version from the CWYBC_JDBC Connector Project, which you imported in the previous section.
如图10所示,在资源适配器列表中,您可以看到在前一部分中导入的JDBC EMD Adapter (version from the CWYBC_JDBC Connector Project。
tranql-connector-websphere-embed-local-1.0.rar: This is the TranQL IBM WebSphere Connect JDBC Driver Embedded Local Resource Adapter for Microsoft SQL 2000 server.
tranql-connector-websphere-embed-local-1.0.rar:这是用于 Microsoft SQL 2000 服务器的 TranQL IBM WebSphere Connect JDBC Driver Embedded Local Resource Adapter。
Configuration of the WebSphere BI Adapter Framework consists of creating a VT Connector profile based on the sample application's configuration file.
配置WebSphere BI Adapter Framework包括根据样本应用程序的配置文件来创建VT Connector概要。
Where wire, switch, connector, power adapter and connecting devices that will work.
Users who prefer to use thermocouples with a miniature male connector can use a thermocouple adapter with stripped ends on one side and a female miniature female connector on the other.