Flash Player events such as the timer and mouse events.
Flash Player事件,比如计时器和鼠标事件。
Flash Player is the primary method of delivering video on the web.
Flash Player是在web中发布视频的主要方式。
To run the examples, you will need the Flash Player, version 10 or higher.
为了运行示例程序,需要Flash Player的第10版或更高版本。
This tag is used to load the Flash player and pass in the proper parameters.
The Flash player plays the application in the case of an SWF-formatted response.
如果返回的格式为 SWF, 则由 Flash 播放器播放应用程序。
Flex is written in ActionScript 3, the programming language of the Flash player.
Flex是用Flash播放器的编程语言actionscript 3编写的。
This .swf file can run in the Flash player or can be embedded in an HTML wrapper.
swf 文件可以在 Flash 播放器中运行,或者内嵌在 HTML 中。
OpenLaszlo applications are compatible with versions 7, 8, and 9 of Flash Player.
OpenLaszlo 应用程序可以兼容 7、8 和 9 版本的 Flash 播放器。
Playable on all browsers and the newer mobile platforms, if you include a Flash player.
These new features are initially available as a Flash Player beta on the Adobe Labs site.
通过在 Adobe Labs网站中下载Flash播放器的一个Beta版,你可以体验到这些新功能。
Flash Player is the most quickly adopted and most installed piece of software in the world.
Flash Player是世界上最快被接受,也安装得最多的软件。
Haase was asked about plans for a browser plug-in similar to Silverlight or the Flash player.
On the page, users are prompted to download a Flash Player update in order to view a video file.
This page contains also video presentation which requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.
此页还包含视频演示,需要的Adobe Flash Player的新版本。
The tags also specify the height and width of the Flash Player as 550 and 400 pixels, respectively.
标记还把 Flash Player 的高度和宽度分别指定为 550 像素和 400 像素。
Silex is an open source RIA that enables you to build Flash websites for Flash Player 7, 8, 9, and 10.
Silex是一款开源的RIA软件,它使你能够为Flash Player7,8,9,10构建包含Flash的网站。
It requires no browser plug-ins (other than the Flash player of course) or special scripting languages.
它无需浏览器插件(当然除了Flash player以外),也用不着特殊的脚本语言。
Meanwhile, with Posterous, your files are instantly converted and embedded as a flash player on your site.
We are developing Flash player for the iPhone. To release software on the iPhone requires Apple's agreement.
The new Flash Player boasts much needed improvements for advanced text layout, in addition to new 3d effects.
新的Flash Player自夸除了期待已久的高级文字布局方面的提高之外,还有许多新的3d特效。
Adobe Integrated Runtime and Flash Player use AMF for communications between an application and a remote server.
Adobe Integrated Runtime和Flash播放器使用AMF来在应用程序和远程服务器之间进行通信。
Flash Player 10 will leverage Pixel Bender to enable developers to create custom filters, effects and blend modes.
Flash Player 10利用Pixel Bender让开发者创建自定义的过滤器、效果及混合模式。
The MXML compiler creates SWF files that can then be run inside a Web browser (via the Flash Player browser plug-in).
然后MXML编译器创建可在Web浏览器内运行(通过Flash Player浏览器插件)的SWF文件。
Flex leverages Adobe's Flash player to provide a framework for building interactive rich Internet applications (RIAs).
Flex利用Adobe Flash player提供了一个构建交互式富因特网应用程序(RIAs)的框架。
Many companies concerned with being locked into a proprietary plug-in, such as Flash Player, will welcome this change.
许多公司不愿意被限制于某种专有的插件(比如flash Player),他们会欢迎这一改进。
Most video on the Web, including everything on YouTube, is displayed through a Flash player, so this gets to be tedious.
However a developer may choose to require a newer version if they wish to take advantage of new features in Flash Player.
不过开发者可以指定要求更新的版本,如果他们希望利用Flash Player的新特性的话。
The top-level class is DisplayObject, which Flex adds to the Stage object, or the universal display list, of Flash Player.
最顶层的类是 DisplayObject,Flex 将它添加到 Flash Player 的 Stage 对象或通用显示列表。