Specular reflection: The light that reflects off objects with a shiny surface.
Application of FTIR Specular Reflection is introduced on nano-crystalline silicon films in this paper.
It is important to uncheck the "Affect specular" slot, we don't want any specular reflection from that light, only diffuse light.
The fundamental principles of specular reflection FTIR and its applications in the analysis of polymer structures are introduced in this paper.
Absolute measurements of BRDF on tinfoil and ceramic tile are performed and the test materials present apparent specular reflection characteristics.
The specular reflection is a very important linear transformation in Euclidean space, and it has a special geometrical explanation in geometrical space.
Both internal reflection and specular reflection spectroscopy methods have been applied to investigate electrode processes, especially for eleetrosorption.
The algorithm only needs to plot a set of equi-intensity curves of diffuse reflection and specular reflection on the rotating paraboloid, and then realistic image can be obtained.
The specular reflection pyrometer has the advantages of decrease the influence of surface emissivity on temperature measurement, but the short continuous working duration limits its application.
A combined specular and diffuse reflection at the wall and at the particle surface is included in the analysis.
For specular and reflection maps, I've changed the values to make it look more shiny around the eyes, ears, lips, nose and forehead.
A tutorial on making use of reflection, specular, index of refraction, Fresnel, and fall-off to create gold, silver and copper material.
I show you how to build an ice cube using material displacement, refraction, transparency, reflection, and specular highlights.