The super senior tranches did have some attractions for banks.
The owners of the riskiest tranches often have the most voting power.
We don't know in which form or in how many tranches the shares are to be sold.
The market value of some tranches has slumped to less than ten cents on the dollar.
The first tranches of bonds, offering 6.85% and a sovereign guarantee, were oversubscribed.
首批发行的债券有主权担保的,大约是全部的6,85 %,已经被超额认购了。
Investors, typically hedge funds, buy high-coupon bonds that are often divided into tranches.
These credit pools are divided into frontline tranches of pawns that defended the Kings and queens.
That could reduce demand for tranches of nearly equivalent risk, as firms become less keen to hold them.
The credits have even become an industry unto themselves: brokers slice them into tranches and trade them.
For example, IASB is likely to allow only the very top tranches of asset-backed securities to be classified as loans.
Chapter iv we numerically realize the prices of CDO tranches, and analysis the sensitivity based on result obtained.
So in a synthetic CDO, those who owned the riskiest tranches got more of the premium but lost out when defaults occurred.
In other words, changes in default risk were expected to affect the equity and mezzanine tranches in stable proportions.
As the Banks offloaded the junior CDO tranches and kept the safer ones, the risks they were exposed to became less obvious.
Wind, solar, nuclear and hydroelectric projects are already receiving their first tranches of investments from stimulus money.
That made it harder to find buyers for the super senior tranches and forced many banks to keep them on their own books instead.
It then had the calorific value of this baseline diet cut, in three monthly tranches, until it had been reduced by a total of 30%.
The terms of the new bonds, which will convert into equity in two tranches with different trigger points, will make them fiddly to value.
The returns on these pools were then sliced into a hierarchy of "tranches" that were sold to investors as separate classes of securities.
Many Banks got rid of the riskier and more junior CDO tranches, because their own risk-management systems designated them as too dangerous.
There are also legal issues with underwriting principal when different tranches of mortgage-backed securities are not held by a single investor.
The second feature of the SBA that makes it less well suited to dealing with temporary liquidity crises is that funding is usually released in phased tranches.
However, rumours have been circulating that British banks were also keen to see a rescue fund established, as they hold a large share of the SIVs' most toxic tranches.
First, by dividing sovereign debt into tranches, the enhanced safety of the blue bonds would come at the expense of the red ones-which could become red-hot for risk-averse investors.
第一,把国债划分成几部分,蓝色债券被提高的安全保障,最终会以红色债券为代价- - -这对风险规避者成了烫手山芋。
In theory, this helps the Banks to reduce risk, makes money for intermediaries who trade the securities, and allows the investors to pick tranches of debt that match their risk appetite.
Mr Greenspan said it was still not clear whether big financial institutions had taken all the writedowns they would need to take on higher rated tranches of mortgage-backed credit products.
The banks that provide credit lines to it will incur losses only after lower tranches held by the SIVs and outside investors have been wiped out, which seems unlikely even in current conditions.
When the housing bubble burst and house prices started declining, borrowers began to default, the lower tranches were hit with losses, and higher tranches became more risky and declined in value.
On this basis, it derives the calculating method for the prepayment distribution and default loss distribution of CDO assets pool, and then gets the semi-analytical solution of CDO tranches 'spread.
在此基础上,得到了CD O资产池提前偿付分布和违约损失分布的计算方法和CDO分券层价差的半解析解。