Jo Beall, British Council director of education and society, said the fall would cause alarm among UK vice-chancellors.
What kinds of English Courses does British Council provide?
The British council interviewed more than 5,000 voters aged under 30.
According to an earlier British Council study, China had 200m English users in 1995.
The British Council will book temporary hotel accommodation on your arrival in London.
If you can not, you must contact either the local test center or British Council in advance.
The British Council will issue the test Report Forms to the test centres after 10 working days.
The Overcoat has been selected for British Council Showcase and Escalator East to Edinburgh 2009.
The British Council will use the information you provide in this form to process your application.
The British Council China is inviting applications for the post of China Digital Marketing Manager.
Welcome to the "Diversity at Foreign Enterprises in China Survey" initiated by British Council and IBM.
The British Council, a cultural body, says there is concern in China, in particular, over the coming shake-up.
The registered test centre and British Council deal with all the complaints and suggestions from the candidates.
In 2011, she was awarded the Breakthrough Prize in Social Enterprise from British Council and Narada Foundation.
The British Council will not be responsible for breach of any copyright or other third party rights by the entrants.
In a recent U. K. -focused report, the British Council identified more than 20 growth markets and their main languages.
The British Council is actively engaged in programmes around the world helping to break down barriers between communities.
This is troubling because, the British Council report says, it is not only technology and outsourcing workers who will need English.
这种情况令人不安。 因为英国文化协会报告指出,需要英语的不仅是技术人员和外包工人。
This is troubling because, the British Council report says, it is not only technology and outsourcing workers who will need English.
January's launch of BBC Persian TV infuriated the Iranians, whose harassment forced the closure of the British Council offices in Tehran.
Should you have any queries, please contact British Council Guangzhou office at 020-8510 3045 or
如果您有任何疑问,请致电英国驻广州总领事馆文化教育处020-8510 3045 或发邮件至
Should you have any queries, please contact British Council Shanghai office at 021-63912626*270
如果您有任何疑问,请致电英国驻上海总领事馆文化教育处021-63912626*270 或发邮件至
It is jointly owned by UCLES, the British Council and IDP Education Australia. It is an English language proficiency test available world-wide.
But he would give generously of his time to such organizations as the British Council, helping to audition young people with ambitions to dance.
The British Council will use the information that you are providing for staff administration, accounting and record keeping and emergency purposes.
British Council study predicts that employers around the world will soon no longer be falling over themselves to hire people who speak good English.
A British council study predicts that employers around the world will soon no longer be falling over themselves to hire people who speak good English.
The British Council in Egypt called the Cairo Conservatoire, who suggested Marcellino Safwat, a 17-year-old cellist with ambitions to become a conductor.
英国驻埃及文化委员会联系了开罗音乐学院,学院举荐了大提琴手Marcellino Safwat,他虽年仅17,却有有朝一日成为指挥家的雄心壮志。