These flow features are extensive systems—sometimes hundreds of kilometers in total length—of interconnecting, twisting channels that seem to merge into larger, wider channels.
A group of complex interconnecting anatomical cavities.
The activity of the two hemispheres is coordinated by a number of interconnecting nerve pathways.
This paper presents a method for the interconnecting of local network with heterogeneous computer.
Therefore, the differential surge tank with interconnecting holes arranged is rational and feasible.
The reverse side of a control panel display panel or the like; the side with the interconnecting wiring.
They are finding their place both at home and abroad and interconnecting with each other in various ways.
An intricate structure of interconnecting passages through which it is difficult to find one's way; a maze.
Another big change is the growth of interconnecting pipelines, hooking up what have until now been energy islands.
The system will consist of a master central station, intercom equipment, loudspeakers and all interconnecting cables.
A layered architecture is a logical model, design, or blueprint that AIDS in communication between interconnecting layers.
The free products do not have the complex formulas, interconnecting tables and client data that comes with Microsoft Office.
And he also rejects the reality which is actually becoming through the operation of the myriad of interconnecting condition.
The trunk of the car was filled with components from desktop computers, with a hydra of cords interconnecting them to the car.
The novel's cohesion is also derived from the interconnecting patterns such as symbolism, image, repetition, and substitution.
The dynamic behavior of a class of generalized neural networks with time delay and asymmetric (interconnecting) structure is investigated.
Also, the solution to interconnecting between the Decision service system in part of EMIS and other information service systems is discussed.
A lone acacia tree provides solace to sociable weavers, small birds who have built a number of large, interconnecting nests within its branches.
Some challenges the mobile accessories group will face include port expansion, interconnecting different interfaces and interface consolidation.
Products supporting the IBM view of a SOA fall into two broad categories: service endpoints and the message transport fabric interconnecting them.
支持 IBM SOA 方案的产品分成两个主要类别:服务端点和连接它们的消息传送结构。
It has alway been researched that how to make the interconnecting pie ce traversing tunnel and emergency parking area smooth and pleasing outlook.
Included in the extraordinary parasol ant society are tiny garden workers, and slightly bigger workers who did the interconnecting Chambers of the hive.
It introduces line access and line interconnecting methods of broadband line services as well as broadband line service solutions of Huawei Technology CoLtd.
Block diagram: a diagram of a system, instrument, computer, or program in which selected portions are represented by annotated boxes and interconnecting lines.
Physical Shared memory bus, message translating LAN and copy Shared memory network are the main interconnecting technology using in distributed real-time simulation.
They are likely accustomed to having sole responsibility for the design of individual subsystems, based on a higher level specification interconnecting each subsystem.
Piezoelectric currents are generated when mechanical stress is applied to certain crystalline materials when used for insulated terminals and interconnecting hardware.
The interconnecting of the modules on the same design level comprises the hardware structure of this level and the simulation can be made on every level of the design.