I like sweet-scented osmanthus.
She likes sweet-scented flowers.
I grab a sweet-scented bottle and hurl it at them.
Sweet-scented osmanthus cake created in the late Ming Dynasty.
After the Mid-August Festival, the sweet-scented osmanthuses are in blossom.
My school yard, there are a beautiful sweet-scented osmanthus trees, we love it.
In this sense, sweet-scented osmanthus City is facing a new challenge to start with.
Very far, I may see that row of sweet-scented osmanthus tree, is going home street intersection.
And outside the palace, there was a sweet-scented osmanthus tree and a lumberjack called Wu Gang.
Autumn Leaves in Montreal, I like the lofty blue sky, Moon in the warm, sweet-scented osmanthus fragrant light.
It was a quiet night, but also exudes sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance, I broke the silence, "Mom, you love me?"
Pickled green mustard, pear in half, shred, mix with sugar, sweet-scented osmanthus, and raisins, color taste superb.
This product is the by-product in the production process of soybean oil. It is light brown sticky liquid with sweet-scented.
Autumn in September, sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance, is a good time to see the full moon, but also the start of the season to eat crabs.
They rode together through the sweet-scented woods, where the green boughs touched their shoulders, and the little birds sang among the fresh leaves.
Now this wood was very fair to look at from without, and seemed full of singing birds and of sweet-scented flowers, and the Star - Child entered it gladly.
"White Gate recipe" records: "Jinling August period, the most famous saltwater duck, everyone thought that there are sweet-scented osmanthus fragrant meat."
The role of sweet-scented osmanthus not small so that it can be tea, cream can be sweet-scented osmanthus, spices can be done … … it quietly dedicated people.
Know that each morning it is my custom to take a bath of rnilk after which I anoint and rub my limbs with essence of almonds sugar and sweet-scented cosmetics.
The Mid-Autumn Festival Shantang Street, with a sad, late at night saw a bright moon hanging. Sweet-scented osmanthus wine drunk, miss much, the same year after year.
No frost of cold moon no imprint of tear bygone like smoke hearthrob is emptty sweet-scented osmanthus in dream how many fragrant musical instrument ice enveloped in human society .
冷月无霜泪无痕,往事如烟柔情空。 梦里几度桂花香,冰封琴轩红尘中。