1 词典释义:
get hence
时间: 2024-12-13 20:32:06


  • And his Soul said to him, 'Let us not tarry, but get hence at once, for the Sea-gods are jealous, and have monsters that do their bidding.


  • They get caught in trees (hence the epithet "Witches' Knickers"), take hundreds of years to decompose and push up demand for oil, used to make plastics.


  • Hence , your record of payment of other debts , or lack thereof , will be a critical factor in whether or not you get credit for a home purchase .


  • Hence, the first symbolic step was to get the US to move its marines from Okinawa, an island that has carried the burden of a US military presence for much too long.


  • Hence the secret agreement Google struck with Verizon last August to ensure that its online customers would always get preferential treatment.


  • The advantage for me was that by having this recipe for building the packages, I could just create Debian packages using the same recipe, and hence get two package types almost for the price of one!


  • So when the system context is missing, the ITCAM for SOA can not get to know the invocation soure and target to build up relationship, hence the fragments in topology view will appear.

    因此,当系统上下文缺失时,IT CAM for SOA无法知晓调用源和目标来构建关系,因此在拓扑视图中出现了碎片。

  • Order documents do not get updated in our scenario (hence no update order transaction).


  • And hence they allow their employees time to get over the most severe early stages of a long term relationship breakup.


  • You use it when you need to get the absolute fastest possible processing time (and hence throughput) from your application and still maintain some degree of transactional atomicity in your processing.


  • Hence, can get well adjusted to each other.


  • Economists should not get into a debate over how big the actual deficit should be some years hence.


  • And quite right, too. They get caught in trees (hence the epithet "Witches' Knickers"), take hundreds of years to decompose and push up demand for oil, used to make plastics.


  • Hence the German demand that countries swallow savage budget cuts before they get any money-a demand that, taken to extremes, could condemn Europe to deflation and stagnation.


  • Hence, once you get to those parts, you won't have to create these artifacts again.


  • Hence someone who's having a good relationship with co-workers is sure to get the benefit here.


  • Hence, a username and password must be sent by the GET method.


  • But as the market has grown deeper and more sophisticated, history has left them behind-hence their desire to get into any bit of the business that will turn a profit.


  • The list of background staff starts to resemble the credits of a Hollywood epic. Hence when you hire a manager today you usually get another full team with him.


  • If I'm a 3-person company, I can't add more users and try the application for real and hence might not get to the point where I see the value in using it.


  • I've started to get into maritime stuff, hence these urchin tea candles.


  • Windows 7 is without a doubt the best Windows version yet, and hence the sooner you get started with it, the better.

    Windows 7是当之无愧的Windows最佳版本,因此你最好趁早开始使用它。

  • To get Dojo to recognize the body of your page as a control and hence track mouse movements, you must give the body a name.


  • Suppose, for example, that you need to know the date two weeks hence. If you're at a shell prompt, you can get the answer immediately.


  • Hence, the scheme can minimize the handover service disruption, and enable real-time session to promptly get the same forward process during the MN performs handover.


  • Many are eager to get a stable job. Hence, the carrer fair of schools and civil department is always packed with crowd.


  • All in all, enough sleep makes us energetic, benefit our mind and also help us to avoid from being ill. Hence, people should get enough sleep.


  • I'm just saying that had you accounted for the "having a big wedding" scenario, you might have saved more in the past, and hence not need to get into credit card debt.

