The aggressive Mr Jager tended to intimidate employees.
So you also have to address these fundamental issues, " said de Jager."
That could be because Apple may be using its own DRM system, Fairplay, says DE Jager.
这可能是因为苹果也许打算使用它自己的DRM系统。de Jager认为这是一场公平的游戏。
Dutch Finance Minister Jan Kees DE Jager said the need for tougher rules is deep.
荷兰财政大臣扬·基斯·德亚赫(Jan Kees de Jager)表示规则必须更加严格。
Domestic micro-FPGA Beijing Jager procedures, buttons, lights, encryption, tested.
This comet photographed Michael Jager of Stiksendorfa, Austria, June 6 in the morning.
In Brussels, Dutch Finance Minister Jan Kees DE Jager said the rescue fund needed to be bigger.
在布鲁塞尔,荷兰财政大臣Jan Kees de Jager称需要更大的救助基金。
In mid 1943, first tests with infrared night-vision (Nacht Jager) devices and telescopic rangefinders mounted on Panther started.
在1943年,第一次测试中采用红外线夜视(Nacht Jager)设备和伸缩测距仪安装在黑豹开始。
Though you might be Missionary Mary in real life, I’m sure that after a healthy round of Jager shots and a tinge of embellishing, you’ll be Wheelbarrow Wendy in the eyes of all his friends.
Jager shots 然后再稍加润色之后,在你朋友眼里你也会变成独轮车温迪