Preservationists in Iowa reckon they are losing 1,000 barns each year.
Preservationists in Iowa reckon they are losing 1, 000 barns each year.
Local residents and preservationists are challenging this decision in court.
The problem of the preservationists lies in their ignorance of the voice of the local people.
In Walata, a team of Spanish urban preservationists has just completed a UNESCO assignment to repair the town and stabilize its economic base.
A permit had initially been issued for the demolition by the Town Council in 2004, but a county judge blocked it after a legal challenge by preservationists.
Preservationists in Los Angeles, who began by saving 19th-century houses, have moved swiftly forward in time and are now trying to protect areas built in the 1950s.
Some more radical preservationists also argue that wildlife and ecosystems should be preserved, whatever the cost, regardless of the economic benefits they may have for humans.