In the Delphi technique, a group of subject matter experts is asked to make an assessment of an issue.
The Delphi technique is a method for obtaining forecasts from a panel of independent experts over two or more rounds.
The second step is to choose available evaluation factors for seawalls by using Delphi technique and a second questionnaire.
第二 部份乃利用德尔菲(Delphi)技巧,采取二次问卷回馈的方式建立海堤 视觉景观评估因子。
The indexes are divided into basic control elements and optional control elements after being screened and adjusted through Delphi technique.
The paper introduced three methods, which decide weight in life cycle impact assessment, i. e. Delphi technique, analytic hierarchy process and linearity regress technique.
By comparing the Delphi Technique and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in use of evaluating the indicator framework of banking competitiveness, I finally chose the Analytic Hierarchy Process.