A FINANCIAL crisis on the scale of the one unfolding on Wall Street would be terrible at any juncture.
A FINANCIAL crisis on the scale of the one unfolding on Wall Street would be terrible at any juncture. But the timing of this one is astonishingly bad.
To many, the costs may not even appear to be financial at all, but merely aesthetic—a terrible shame, but nothing to do with money.
Without your phone at your face, you'd be in for a 20-minute speech on how terrible the world is.
This can be terrible news for those at both ends of the age spectrum.
You might be a great writer but terrible at design.
But at least I won't be thirsty; that would be terrible.
I hope this isn't sounding like a terrible SOB story, I don't mean it to be at all.
At the age of eight, he wanted to be a nuclear physicist, though that was then followed by a long period of terrible worry because he thought there was nothing he wanted to do with his life.
Lee: Thank you again, we feel terrible about it.i'll be here at about 1:55.
If you had buried all in your heart, it might be terrible. Now at least I know what I should do in the future to sidewalk embarrassment with my friends.
If the joke calls for an accent, fully commit to it. Your Scottish brogue might be terrible, but it'll still be funnier than not trying at all.
A book, he may be terrible reached the unprecedented level, but this book is absolutely wonderful, he's at, if that does not look good, it would be wrong.
The indignATion felt by Mr. Pecksniff AT this terrible disclosure, was only to be equalled by the kindling anger of his daughters.
It can be looked to as a sign of good fortune; others look at it as a bad omen, a warning of terrible events to take place.
But at the end of life when your body is wearing out and you're having and can only have a life that is, in your view, pretty terrible, no life at all can really seem to be better.
I know how terrible it can be for you at nights and even when you wake up.
I'm not an actress at all... Maybe I will be terrible. But, in my life, I cannot let such a chance go.
And when we think we have recovered and forgotten, it is then thAT the terrible after-effects have to be encountered AT their worst.
For some, this will at first appear to be a terrible thing, perhaps similar to a type of death.
It can be looked to as a sign of good fortune; others look at it as a bad omen, a warning of terrible events to take place.
There was a terrible fracas, and, though at her mother's bidding Amy made contrite apology, Jo refused to be pacified.
They will not be easy to beat, but have a terrible away record in Spain, and the second leg at home is a big plus.
Lee: Thank you again, we feel terrible about it. I'll be here at about 1:55.
At the same time, Japan's parents that day will be at home to place dolls, but it samurai are dressed, look terrible.
Don't be afraid of looking at the terrible shape of the disabled.
These tended to be people with a degree, with five to 10 years' tenure at the company, work as mid-level managers and who receive a good (rather than brilliant or terrible) performance rating.