Judge a man on how he reacts to failure, not suc...
Their "failure" in society and in family life, to a certain degree, determined their suc...
The work of discharge conformed to standards of industrial pollution sources had been suc-ceded.
Accordingly, the task of the translator is to deal text-linguistically with original texts in suc...
The TSC and SUC content of cob was always higher than kernel, the starch content was lower than kernel.
穗轴中SUC及TSC 质量分数在授粉后任何时期总是高于籽粒,淀粉质量分数远低于籽粒。
Through employing two kinds of mechanism SAX and DOM, the step relationship reflected in the XML mark is suc...
The authors also design accordingly a system for praising good performance and penalizing the poor ones on the base of suc…
With the collapse of her marriage and noreal family to turn to, Tatum suc-cumbed to the demons of her past, which would nearly kill her.
The conductive coating made by improving the compositions of the filling and the matrix will be of great potential in wide fields suc...
This paper investigates the mechanics and energy principles of the so called boundary effect and proposes preventive measures against suc…
Owing to the specific characteristics of teaching at teachers' colleges-there are not many advanced courses suc-ceding the common physical course.
Results: the time consumed with the vacuum blood draw was markedly less than that of the disposable syringe blood drawing. In addition, both the puncture suc...
Manual valve, filter F56F embellish of new water treatment control valve series products have suc c essfully passed the world awareness of the highest NSF approval!
Contrary to conventional wisdom, one person's financial suc - cess does not require another's financial failure; there's plenty of room for everyone to be financially secure.
The performance audit adopts research and statistics in the course of collection and evaluation according to the characteristics of the organization. some difficulties suc...
This paper describes design procedure of weight chains for SUC Rubber Fender Such as Selection and lay -out of weight chains , calculation method of Tension on weight chains etc .
According to the requirement of smelting process for electrode control system, a fuzzy adaptive PID controller is presented and has been applied to practical control of electrode suc...
A stochastic unit commitment (SUC) method is presented, considering conventional thermal units, flexible generating units and wind turbines aimed at energy saving and environment protection.