Type in a swear word and press the enter key.
Why does using a swear word make us feel better?
Diarmuid: What can we say too someone if we have just used a swear word?
We then learn that we may be able to say a swear word in one social context, but not another.
We use this expression before or after we have said something rude, for example, a swear word.
在我们说了粗鲁的话,比如脏话之前或之后,可以用这句。 。
Why do people swear? Why does using a swear word make us feel better? How do we choose which word we use?
Interestingly, no readily available swear word came to mind – and God knows there were plenty of them in circulation in the household.
It is easy to blurt out a swear word at an inappropriate time, or to bark out a tactless or tasteless remark before you have a chance to consider the impact.
Some 67 participants were asked to keep their hands submerged in ice cold water as along as possible, either repeating a swear word or a neutral word over and over.
Taboo words can be mildly offensive to extremely offensive, and people will often use a more mild euphemism to replace a swear word when in mixed (or unknown) company.
Researchers at Keele University's School of Psychology recruited 71 undergraduates who were asked to carry out a cold-water challenge while either repeating a swear word or a non-swear word.
英国基尔大学心理学院的研究人员们招募了71名大学生作为实验对象。 大学生们在被要求进行一项冷水挑战的同时,一边反复说脏话或不说。
Sure, we could just say "This concert is awesome," but the addition of the swear word emphasizes the emotional reaction we have toward it - and easily conveys that emotional reaction to others.
Well, I know one reason… I had a college professor who made us swear wehad “Read every single word” of our collateral reading.
唔,我知道其中一个原因… 我的一位大学教授曾让我们发誓说我们读过了补充阅读里的“每个单词”。
Then arose Ezra, and made the chief priests, the Levites, and all Israel, to swear that they should do according to this word.
At the time the F word was nowhere near being documented as an English swear-word.
Many of my friends are using word processors but I still swear by my old typewriter.
I can't agree with every word you say, but I swear to defend your right to speak.
Don't believe a word that child tells you. He'd swear black was white if he thought it was to his advantage.
Om: : let this be my last word of a lie, I swear I will never lie.
God's Word tells us never to swear because we don't know what is going to happen.