Two VMs per developer on average.
This problems exists in older VMs.
Three VMs per developer on average
平均每位开发人员三台 VM
Many other languages include the concept of VMs.
The overall best compromise is to run 4 processor VMs
最好的折中办法是运行 4 处理器 VMs
Application VMs are popular in the game development world.
OVF can even represent multiple VMs in a single package.
OVF 甚至可以表示单个包中的多个 VM。
The failure of one VM does not mean that all other VMs fail.
sdff file; on VMs at Version 5.0 or above, it produces a .dmp.
在版本 5.0 或更高版本的 VM 上,它生成一个 文件。
Once again the best performance is achieved using smaller VMS.
StackVM shows what VMs can do when they're not bound to the desktop.
Pipes are one [way], and yes, stdio is redirected to pipes for sub VMs.
This means, all the VMs live in the same OS address space and run in parallel.
Additionally, tools exist that provide conversion of older format VMs into the OVF.
The running state of the VMs being migrated can be turned on ("live migration") or off.
正在迁移的 VM 的运行状态可以是开启(“实时迁移”)或关闭。
Discover the VMs that provide the proper socket and that belong to the same environment.
寻找属于同一环境的提供正确插座的 VM。
Above the hypervisor are the guest operating systems, also called virtual machines (VMs).
The VMM ran directly on the underlying hardware, permitting multiple virtual machines (VMs).
SR-IOV provides the means to virtualize a physical adapter to be used by multiple guest VMs.
SR - IOV提供了对被多个访客VM使用的物理适配器进行虚拟化的方法。
Amazon retains the public portion of the key, which will be made available to the VMs you launch.
When copies of the singleton class run in multiple VMs, an instance is created for each machine.
Administrating multiple VMs is also easier than a similar setup involving multiple physical machines.
The OKL4 microvisor implements partitions known as secure cells for partitioning VMs in the architecture.
OKL4 实现了名为安全单元 的分区,用于对此架构中的 VMs 进行分区。
Operation: This view provides the ability to perform middleware-specific operations on the target VMs.
Operation:此视图提供了对目标 VM 执行特定于中间件的操作的能力。
This makes sense, given that operating system and application code and constant data are identical among VMs.
To migrate all of the managed VMs, click the Initiate mobility operations icon and choose the destination.
要迁移所有托管 VM,请单击 Initiate mobility operations 图标并选择目标。
The endpoint URL for database and user registry VMs indicates specific information to access that middleware.
数据库和用户注册表 VM 的端点 URL 指示了用来访问中间件的特定信息。
To have more control over which VMs get migrated, click the Virtual machines twisty to expand the list of VMs.
要进一步控制哪些 VM 将被迁移,请单击 Virtual machines 折叠符号展开 VM 列表。
The dialog box in Figure 12 also provides an Advanced option to configure secure SSH access to the deployed VMs.
图 12 中的对话框还提供了一个 Advanced 选项,以配置对已部署好的 VM 的安全 SSH 访问。
On an 8 processor host, the best performance was observed with two two processor VMs when all processors are used for jobs.