Celine Dion is from Canada.
The voice of Celine Dion sounds sweet.
Yes, she's almost equal to Celine Dion when she sings.
My favorite singer is no one but Celine Dion from Canada.
Songs by Madonna, Britney Spears and Celine Dion are in English.
Celine Dion gave the first solo show in history of Olympic Games.
Celine Dion horses around on the beach, and later plays the wading game with son.
Tina: I always cry when I hear Celine Dion singing the song from the Titanic movie.
“For the dramatic interpretation, read this from SAI while listening to Celine Dion”.
什么叫做戏剧化的诠释? 在听席琳迪翁的同时读读来自SAI的这篇文章吧。
The moment I heard Mariah's songs, I stopped listening to Celine Dion and Whitney Houston.
No one can break the sales record created by the song My Heart Will Go on sang by Celine Dion.
Singer Celine Dion is reportedly pregnant with twins after her sixth attempt at in-vitro fertilisation.
From celine Dion, the sixth time was the charm, but her hope to expand her family was an arduous year-long journey.
What made you give Celine Dion her great voice, rather than making her a gold medalist figure skater or doctor?
What made you give Celine Dion her great voice. Rather than making her a gold medalist figure skater or doctor?
Canadian singer Celine Dion, 42, announced on her website Friday that she's expecting twin sons, due in November.
Singer Celine Dion says her cancer-stricken husband doesn't know how much time he has left, but knows he wants to die in her arms.
Famous hostess Yang Lan and Canadian pop diva Celine Dion have joined forces to roll out a jewelry brand and the grand opening was held in Beijing.
Celine Dion Live in Las Vegas-A New Day is a beautiful music film. wonderful the sound of singing and splendid stage design, provide the perfect enjoyment.
As well as the credit at Walmart , the couple also met Celine Dion who told them about the four-night honeymoon at Caesar's Palace and front row seats at her concert。
Yang Lan conceived the idea of collaborating with Celine Dion after she interviewed the superstar backstage at Dion's Las Vegas show at Caesars Palace hotel-casino in May, 2007.
07年5月,席琳迪翁在拉斯维加斯caesars Palace酒店里举行巡演,当时杨澜在后台对她进行了采访。之后杨澜就萌发了和席琳迪翁合作的想法。
US pop queen Madonna, Canadian crooner Celine Dion and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall are all descended from the same French carpenter, according to a records archive launched today.
美国流行歌手皇后麦当娜,加拿大低吟歌手席琳狄翁,康沃尔公爵夫人卡米拉同是一法国木匠的后裔。 今天(4月16日)公布的一项档案纪录表明了这点。
And their records were going multi-platinum, no one had heard of this before... that was the 10 domain of Celine Dion and 11 Tina Turner and Phil Collins, it was, like, unheard of.