Atlantis co-starred in a movie with Leonardo DiCaprio.
The film also co-starred Jason Patric, who wasn't nearly as annoying then as he is now.
Murphy and Josie Maran co-starred in 2004's "Little Black Book, " about a woman who snoops into her boyfriend's past.
She co-starred alongside Hollywood's best actors and actresses, such as Johnny Depp, Susan Sarandon, and Daniel Radcliffe.
Then Perry had to abandon filming the box office flop Serving Sara, in which he co-starred with Elizabeth Hurley, to check into rehab again.
于是,派瑞不得不一度停拍电影《为莎拉效劳》(Serving Sara)而再次入院进行康复治疗。 该片由他与伊丽莎白•赫尔利(Elizabeth Hurley)合演,票房惨淡。
She wrote a book and co-starred in a television series, before her death at the age of 13 in the Bar Harbor Airlines Flight 1808 plane crash.
Dolly starred in and wrote the music for Rhinestone (1984), yet another comedy, this time co-starring Sylvester Stallone.