The adverse current time's road, could not find.
This adverse current will occur at the risk of voltage.
The recollection adverse current becomes the river, submerged your me.
I "can not help but be taken aback," I seem to have an adverse current momentum in blocking the like, confidence decreased.
This paper expounded the limitation of cocurrent synthesis of sodium formate, put for adverse current synthesis and discussed the advance of this technology.
When the human enters into the ravine, and sees gurgling the rivulet murmur, the adverse current on, and not far away cloud steams the fog to circle, suddenly thick suddenly pale.
Current data are insufficient to define the incidence of adverse events in primary vaccinees as opposed to individuals re-vaccinated after a long interval.
Yet the researchers for the current study found no sign of varenicline producing such adverse effects.
The current financial crisis has taught us how quickly an adverse event can spread throughout the systems that link us all so closely together.
The global nature of the current crisis makes it plain that Europe must be able to decide quickly and coherently, or suffer adverse consequences.
The current recommended second-line treatment regimens are complex, of long duration, and require intensive monitoring of adverse events and treatment outcomes.
The current situation, financial crisis, the adverse impact to our country has not been eliminated, from the macro level in terms of the employment situation is still very grim.
According as compare of voltage deviation and its variable ratio, optimal control of voltage and current is realized with querying fuzzy control sheet and adjusting adverse variable pulse width.
The current study shows that, although modern day medicine has improved survival rates, children can still suffer adverse long-term outcomes.
Proteinuria is associated with adverse cardiovascular and renal outcomes that are not prevented by current treatments.
It also demonstrates that despite the current warning of tendon rupture in the labelling, large Numbers of tendon-related adverse events continue to be reported.
OBJECTIVE:To discuss the method to optimize the function of current "Nationwide Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Network".
In this dissertation, the major causes of the current occurrence of adverse events on SUD are analyzed on the basis of their quality condition researches.