1 词典释义:
junk bonds
时间: 2024-12-31 13:34:34
英 [dʒʌŋk bɒndz]
美 [dʒʌŋk bɑːndz]

n. 低档(风险)债券;垃圾债券

  • The truth is that junk bonds were misnamed, and therefore misunderstood.


  • Junk bonds, once despised, are now mainstream.


  • A rally at the end of 2009 in junk bonds showed no signs of abating.


  • Mr Fermon said junk bonds would lose 31pc of their value in 2010 alone.


  • More junk bonds are being issued than ever before, more risky loans are being offered.


  • Yet, with a 20% average yield, junk bonds could provide nice returns, even in that scenario.

    然而,即使在这种情况下,凭着20 %的平均收益率,垃圾债券可以提供不错的回报。

  • That drove stock prices further down and was followed by the decline in "junk bonds" market.


  • Peer-to-peer lending has higher yields, lower defaults, and shorter duration than junk bonds.


  • Almost every asset has increased in price, including art, emerging-market shares, junk bonds and property.


  • At the same time it still issue junk bonds and the funny thing is the Chinese still believe it has values.


  • Investors have felt sufficiently flush with cash to buy high-risk assets, such as junk bonds or commodity futures.


  • These companies will be considered junk bonds once they are delisted, a lawyer told the National Business Daily.


  • Investors increasing their current yield by taking credit risk in junk bonds have recently learned a similar lesson.


  • It's inflating virtually every asset under the sun - junk bonds, corporate bonds, gold, commodities, stocks, you name it.


  • On August 16th the Fed reported that Banks had eased lending standards for small businesses; sales of junk bonds are rocketing.


  • In junk bonds, better your odds of success by focusing on the debt of recession-resistant industries such as-no kidding-prison management.


  • Over the year to the end of October, only 2.9% of American junk bonds had defaulted, according to Standard &Poor’s (S&P), a rating agency.


  • Traditional distress funds have drifted reluctantly into risky, but still solvent, junk bonds and high-yield loans to keep business ticking along.


  • Take junk bonds, whose use Michael Milken pioneered in the nineteen-eighties. They got a bad name when Milken went to prison for securities fraud.

    如20世纪80年代米歇尔·米尔金(Michael Milken)率先使用的垃圾债券(junk bonds),这些债券在米尔金因保险诈骗罪入狱后就遭到骂名。

  • Leveraged loans, which are senior to junk bonds, now trade for an average of about 70 cents on the dollar and carry yield to maturities of 10% to 15%.

    杠杆贷款,比垃圾债券评级要高,现在交易的平均价格约为70美分,到期收益率为10 %至15 %。

  • Just like junk bonds, another once-misused financial instrument, many of the new derivatives will be back, for no better reason than that they are useful.


  • As for the returns on bonds, I know that my comment will come as a surprise to people who have been brainwashed into thinking that junk bonds are free money.


  • These Indonesians thinks using money can buy their way thru just like the junk bonds of an Indonesian company abused by the charge-in-court leaders of City Harvest!


  • In the 1980s they were junk bonds and LBOs. The most recent bubble offered CDOs, Option ARMS, Structured Notes and a virtual lexicon of complex and convoluted financing.

    上世纪80年代的对应词是垃极债券与LBOs(杠杆收购)最近这次的则是债务抵押债券(CDOs),利率贷款(Option ARMS)结构型债券,以及与复杂与令人费解的金融相对应的虚拟词典。

  • When prices go up, yields go down: they fell by about one percentage point on gilts and 0.7 points on the safest corporate bonds and by 1.5 points on riskier junk bonds.

