A Kraken, or William Blake.
William Blake, "Proverbs of Hell."
威廉·布莱克,《地狱的箴言》(Proverbs of Hell)。
He is a William Blake for our times.
Illustrated with William Blake engravings.
William Blake was a forerunner of Romanticism.
Three month before he was born, his father, William Blake died.
WHEN he was eight years old, William Blake saw a flock of angels in a tree.
"The bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship." - William Blake (1793).
William Blake could see a world in a grain of sand, and, if memory serves, a heaven in a wild flower.
Clinton was born into a poor family in 1946. Three month before he was born, his father, William Blake died.
Although William Blake seems isolated from his contemporaries, he is in fact much concerned about the fate of his fellowmen.
William Blake, the English poet, once wrote in admiration "Tiger, tiger, burning bright". So tiger also makes us think of light.
James belongs in the liberal Protestant tradition, shared by such writers as John Milton and William Blake, Emerson and Hawthorne.
At a young age Yeats was reading Dante alighieri William Shakespeare John donne and the works of William Blake and Percy bysshe Shelley.
William Blake is a great English romantic poet and painter, and his most representative poem Tiger still enjoys popularity among Chinese readers.
William Blake: To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.
This poem, written by William Blake, is arranged specially and carefully. The tiger in the poem is shown perfectly and successfully by the author.
This article aims to unearth the surpassing imagination exhibited through the poems by William Blake, which is not in the least inferior to that created by the "lake Poets".
In fact, Primrose Hill at 250-plus feet above sea level offers a panoramic view of London, and a plaque with a lovely William Blake quote: "I have conversed with the spiritual Sun."
实际上,在海拔250多英尺的樱草花山上可以饱览伦敦全景,公园的一块牌匾上写着威廉·布莱克(William Blake)的美丽诗句,“我曾与太阳之神交谈。
Subsequent prints invariably differ from the first, because variations in repainting and printing are inevitable. In the 19th century, William Blake and Edgar Degas experimented with the technique.