When it comes to food, wine and conviviality, the Spanish seem to have it nailed.
It’s this conviviality that Chinar’s owners are trying to recapture — if in a more modern way.
But "Conviviality," she explained, is "just a scheduled social time" - an opportunity for people to meet and talk.
She confessed that the "Conviviality" segment on our itinerary was a mystery to counselors and participants alike.
If the wine industry does not adapt to climate change, life will go on — with less conviviality and pleasure, perhaps, but it will go on.
Yet, they have brought the great festival to countries where they served and brought the same warmth and conviviality to foreign people with whom they worked together.
The second section mainly elaborates why directs "moral conviviality" into moral education, as a value pursue that can be chosen in the course of morality curriculum development.
This the Captain, in a moment of uncommon conviviality, had confided to Walter and his Uncle, between the repetitions of lovely Peg, on the night when Brogley the broker was paid out.
The dining table is long, and set with English China and Mexican glassware, wonderful odd serving dishes, chairs arranged surprisingly close, in a way that suggests warmth and conviviality.