The noise is barely detectable by the human ear.
《牛津词典》Doctors say the disease is probably inherited but not detectable at birth.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》But radio waves? They are detectable.
Treatment of early detectable cancers.
They’re unique and not detectable on land.
Subtle shifts in Syrian policy are already detectable.
The difference between the two is easily detectable in the WSDL definition.
两者的不同之处在 WSDL 定义中可以轻易体现出来。
But the two key areas in this discussion are what is the maximum detectable flaw size?
The waves that emanate from the collision of two black holes should be detectable.
Their annihilation in the Sun would produce energetic neutrinos detectable from Earth.
Currently, objects with a radar cross-section of 1m2 are detectable at ranges of 1, 000km.
Malaria parasites are detectable when they react to the treatment on the glass (Giemsa stain).
This level is the amount of dioxins that can be ingested over lifetime without detectable health effects.
"It's interesting that the underlying biological framework is still detectable beneath the culture," he says.
“尽管文化差异也会影响人类的繁衍,但隐藏在文化差异之下的生物学特性引起的差异仍然可被检测到,这一事实十分的有趣。” 斯特恩说。
The mechanism for detectable transient changes of IMA in response to demand ischemia requires elucidation.
But certain things aren't detectable using conventional methods: black holes, for instance, or cold dark matter.
All of the stream sites with detectable insecticidal proteins were located within 500 metres of a corn field.
The virus may be detectable in the blood for up to 10 days, in patients with the hemorrhagic icterus form of RVF.
This is possible because spreading oil has a tendency to flatten the sea surface and this effect is detectable from space.
When they shone pulses of light at the cell, it duly produced a "beautiful green" laser beam detectable with the naked eye.
He told New Scientist: "It's interesting that the underlying biological framework is still detectable beneath the culture."
他告诉“新科学家” :“有趣的是,文化底下仍可觉察到生物的基本框架。”
Though this radiation is too weak to be detected by telescopes, it would be detectable if the LHC did make a tiny black hole.
The relatively high rates of detectable viral load highlight the need for further efforts to improve the quality of services.
On the other hand, the big picture reality is that MQ shops are taking outages every day for things that are detectable and preventable.
另一方面,整体趋势是,MQ 团队每天都在因为可检测和可预防的事情而停机。
In fact, studies have shown that more than 95 percent of Americans older than 12 still have detectable levels of PCBs in their blood.
Most people have a "window period" of 3 to 12 weeks during which antibodies to HIV are still being produced and are not yet detectable.
When a silver filament reaches the gold, it forms a short circuit, causing a dramatic change in conductance, which is easily detectable.
And less complicated, for sure; a dog’s devotion is without detectable irony, a lap cat’s purring without artifice (if not disapproval).
而且毫无疑问,这种关系更单纯。 一条狗的忠诚中不会掺杂着一丝嘲讽;趴在腿上的猫发出的咕噜声里也听不出半点做作(如果不反对)。