It also inquires series number of current leakage protection in distribution system.
The combination of the width series number and the diameter series number indicates the dimensional series.
Photo Processing 009: Give all subject a English name and address photo as "series number"+"_"+"English name".
后期009: 后期片– 为每个内容题材取一个简单的英文名,然后照片的命名为“编号”+“_”+“题材”。
Steel members mobilization is carried out as per ex-factory series number, and worksite road will be used as assembly platform.
On package, name of members or spare parts, series number, weight and suspending point should be marked, and package list should be filled in.
Upon painting completion, series number should be marked on steel members, and for heavy members, weight, center of gravity and position should be marked as well.
A patterned series of these tiny charged berries on the disk represents a single bit of data in the binary number system used by computers.
We do not have time series on the number of elephants.
Even in the relatively small number of security configurations tested for the security discussions and performance comparisons in the articles of this series, I found several problems of this type.
In the PBS series, you speak to a number of people who tell stories of their grandparents meeting and interacting with Churchill.
Researchers showed 306 volunteers a series of pictures of a man or a woman wearing suits before asking them to rate them on a number of personality traits.
His wife smiled too; it was as pleasant to her as to him that he only mentioned the series, and did not try to find out the number of the winning ticket.
妻子也笑了一下。 虽然他们没有打算查出获奖彩票的号码,但仅仅因为伊万刚刚提到的序列号,这对于他们俩就已经很是高兴了。
It will have a series of specs that include a priority number and a wild card expression to match a load name or names.
You can specify any number of lines in an editing operation, and these operations can be combined and given in a series.
As this method takes two byte arrays and returns another byte array, it can be used in series with itself any number of times to concatenate any number of byte arrays.
Review the agile principles in Part 1 of this series, and analyze how the number of people on the team affects the project.
Fibonacci added the last two Numbers in the series together, and the sum became the next number in the sequence.
This number accounts for 3.9 percent of the total series regular characters in the 2010-2011 broadcast television season, up from just 1.1 percent in 2007.
Obviously, Blahg could be much more robust than this, and later in the series, you'll do a number of enhancements.
很明显,Blahg 可以比现在更健壮,并且稍后在本系列中,您将执行一些增强工作。
Through this series we made friends in the Drupal community, and we also made contacts at IBM where we found a number of Drupal users.
Previously, the articles in this series have demonstrated a number of database concepts by using the ij tool to connect and interact with an Apache Derby database.
在本系列以前的文章中,通过使用ij工具连接apache Derby数据库并与之进行交互,从而演示了许多数据库概念。
In this photographic series, Schatz successfully USES the shape of people's bodies to count down from the number nine.
Over the past few years, the number of people who have purchased advance tickets for the Glenville Summer Concert series has declined, indicating lack of community support.
In ASP.NET 2.0 the number of class libraries for System.Web nearly doubles-too much to cover in even a series of magazine columns.
在ASP.NET 2.0中System . Web类库的数量几乎翻倍——覆盖太多甚至需要杂志专栏连载。
Let's examine a number of Amazon SQS policies that you might apply to your HybridCloud application (for the details and source code of the application, see Part 2 in this series).
让我们考察一些您可能应用到HybridCloud应用程序的Amazon SQS策略(要获得详细信息和源代码,请查看本系列的第2部分)。
Also, before selecting the access path, the optimizer first performs a series of query transformations to increase the number of access paths available.
In the study, 36 volunteers examined a series of slides containing shapes that varied in number, size and color, according to New Scientist.
The chart under discussion is a single-series chart (having only one set of data), representing the day of the week and the number of hours spent by the employee on that day.
Phone records confirmed that Rosenberg had answered a series of calls from this number.