Objective to study the effect of DMSO on platelets protection during the period of loading trehalose before lyophilization, and to optimize the method of loading buffer.
These two events are often specified together because between them they cover the most common ways of loading the contents of an existing file into a buffer.
Loading a file contents into the SQL buffer.
Based on the detailed analysis of the loading properties of a medium or small size TFT-LCD driver IC, a novel output buffer circuit of driving voltages is proposed.
在分析中小屏幕TFT - LCD驱动芯片的负荷特性的基础上,提出了一种新型的驱动电压输出缓冲电路结构。
It includes the following functions: loading spatial data locally and remotely, remote processing (e. g., buffer analysis) of spatial data etc.
By using the send message buffer pool, processing capability and loading capability of the message processing module is improved, and capability of the whole system is improved.
In addition, other functions of linear buffer are analyzed in the automatic powder press process of loading materials for initiating explosive device.
Buffer function and its unit thickness and loading side side of the pulp mold Su structure unit grow up a direct proportion.