The glass answered: "Thou, lady, art loveliest here, I ween; But lovelier far is the new-made queen."
This is the only difference bet ween W. P. A. and F. P. a.
But I put it in the usual place bet ween my lipstick and eyeglass case.
Pave the site by macadam in the empty place bet ween the process unit areas and roads.
It suggested inherent connection be - ween drug-resistance of the strains and plasmid.
They brought a sense of ambivlence, of being caught bet ween pleasure and embarrassment.
They brought a sense of ambivalence, of being caught bet ween pleasure and embarrassment.
Brooks examines it, rolling it bet ween his fingertips like a man checking out a fine cigar.
There are some anatomical differences of the pistil and stamen bet - ween wild sugarcane and its closely related plants.
The regression analysis of leaf to content of water and free proline showed that there was significant negative relativity bet-ween them.
The method is verified through the comparison bet ween FEM and SEA in order to establish a new method which get the SEA parameter by FEM.
Rice bran products with different nutrition is large difference bet - ween the soluble solids content, a minimum of 2.72%, maximum 8.33%.
Objective To investigate the relationship bet ween the learn and memory on the damaged hippocampus and damaged cortex of rats by oxygen free radicals.
Experimental study was carried out to determine the relationship be - 'ween impact noise and shock cutting parameters, a quantitative expression was formulated.
We're not totally opposed to building new nuclear plants to help ween us off of foreign oil, but we're not really comfortable with having one literally in our back yards.
Open and shut-down is operated by the density variation bet ween condensation water and steam, Condesation water can drive valve directly, featuring precision and reliability.
Through the contrast and analysis of mix mechanism bet - ween the static and dynamic mixer and its productive experiment running, the high advantage of the new process is summarized.
The authors had collected 3 species of miniature mammals from habitat of Ranodon sibiricus, and researched interspecific relationship bet- ween Ranodon sibiricus and every miniature mammals.
In this paper, a novel coupler-holographic coupler bet-ween light emitted diode (LED) and fiber is proposed. The theoretical, design is carried out. The method and results of design are given.