TI has seen its shares suffer because of a flight of capital to telecom and Internet-related businesses.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》With his ti leaf lei and a boar's tusk necklace, he looked like he'd stepped off the pages of National Geographic magazine.
TI Machine to extract oil from fruit.
TI is aware of the index's shortcomings.
Tonight tI can write the saddest lines.
Tonight tI am going out with my friends.
I would like ti live half of my life in Hawaii!
Peter Eigen, the founder of ti, is more optimistic.
I've not only done that once, I've done it many ti mes.
Ti Lung : As an actor, we have to learn how to survive in cinema.
The teacher asked us [ti] [learn] [from] the [national] [heroes].
In exchange, ti gets access to National Semiconductor's portfolio of industrial products.
Since: 6.1 pi * ti * 0..m - Task history information; must be enabled in the admin console
从 6.1 开始 pi * ti * 0..m - 任务历史信息;必须在管理控制台中启用
We are using a small handful of the JVM TI methods in order to instrument the application at load-time.
我们使用的是小部分JVM TI方法,从而在载入的时候为应用程序提供工具。
Warmest tI use this often for personal mails, especially if I'm close to someone but not in regular touch.
Choose from Ti Kwun Yin, Jin Xuan, Dan Gui, Oriental Beauty, Osmanthus Oolong and Black Tea with honey aroma.
Dany Boon, the movie's writer-director and comic star, himself a Ch 'ti, has become a national celebrity. "in."
来自北方的剧作家,导演兼喜剧明星丹尼·伯恩(Dany Boon)现已是闻名全国。
Once an initial draft was produced, more than 200 other ti executives were invited to participate in shaping it.
For example, in Russia, there’s no word for ‘parking.’ So you just conjugate it in Russian—‘Gde ti zaparkoval machinu?’
“首先,我们的这个节目浓烈的俄国风味,”米勒说,“举例来说,在俄罗斯,没有‘停车’的说法,所以你只能用俄语说‘Gde ti zaparkoval machinu’。
"Ghoti," as wordsmiths have noted, could be pronounced "fish" : gh as in "cough", o as in "women" and ti as in "motion".
有语言家说,英语“Ghoti”一词甚至可以读作“fish”:因为gh在“cough”中念“f”,o在“women”中念“i”,ti在“motion”中念“ sh ”。
TI Automotive, which makes fuel tanks, has laid off a quarter of its white-collar staff in North America in the past year.
The Nooka Zizm watch is available in MB (the blue version shown immediately below) or TI, a grayscale verison of the Zizm watch.
This phone was the top dog when it was released with a 550MHz TI OMAP chip. These days it's starting to feel a little sluggish.
When you try to use the new subset of the new dimension, both created with the above TI process you will see following error message.
If TI had the courage to ditch its score-card, or at least publish it in a less misleading form, its other work might fare better.
The bank has enlarged a loan program, called Ti Kredi, or Little Credit, to reach poor families that are not ready for larger loans.
Ti Kredi offers loans of just $25, shorter repayment periods, additional support from loan officers, and literacy and health classes.
Mooncakes symbolize the gathering of friends and family and are an indispensable part of the offerings made to the Earth God, Tu Ti Kung.
Companies that use ARM's designs to make chips for mobile phones, such as Texas Instruments (ti), Qualcomm and Samsung, are not sitting still.
The new consortium's members include big consumer-electronics firms, such as Philips and Sanyo, as well as Texas Instruments (ti), a chipmaker.