1 词典释义:
indicate to
时间: 2024-11-30 19:05:51
英 [ˈɪndɪkeɪt tə]
美 [ˈɪndəˌkeɪt tu]


  • Can you indicate to me the nature of death and of life beyond the grave?


  • Also, I have no schema that would indicate to the client what the response will be.


  • Some variables, such as and serve to indicate to the application whether given interface elements.

    一些变量(比如 和 )向应用程序指出是否应该显示界面元素。

  • Using gestures to indicate to other people that you're not done talking yet and not to cut you off.


  • You can use these levels to indicate to the user how important it is to address the results produced.


  • An entry is added to the system catalog to indicate to the query optimizer that such a remote index exists.


  • The class is annotated with an @Entity annotation to indicate to JPA that this class is a mapped entity.

    类带上了注释@Entity,以向 JPA 指示该类是一个被映射的实体。

  • The first thing I need to do is modify the client to indicate to the server that it can handle compression.


  • At runtime, a component view can indicate to the property broker that one of its property's values has changed.


  • In other words, the connector can indicate to Business Events whether the processing of the actions was successful.

    换句话说,连接器能够向Business Events表明,动作的处理过程是否成功。

  • You also indicate to the validator that the content should follow the strict processing model, as shown in Listing 6.

    还可以指示验证程序内容应该符合严格的处理模型,如清单 6 所示。

  • Format is a name that the sender of the message USES to indicate to the receiver the nature of the data in a message.


  • For example, the user agent might use quality values to indicate to the server its user's fluency level in several languages.


  • The close method is called by the Batch Container to indicate to the BDS that the user of the BDS is done working with the BDS.

    批处理容器将调用close方法来告知bds, BDS的用户已经完成了BDS的使用。

  • These greyed ICONS indicate to you that IBM Cognos Upgrade Manager has not currently connected to the Source or Target systems.

    这些灰色的图标向您指出,IBM Cognos Upgrade Manager当前没有连接到源或目标系统。

  • Type attributes indicate to Castor what TypeConvertor should be used internally to convert between object and relational data types.


  • Instead, remove the space between two words to indicate to the translator that these compressed words are non-translatable variables.


  • These recommendations are relevant to all healthy children aged 5–17 years unless specific medical conditions indicate to the contrary.


  • The parentheses indicate to the Rhino interpreter that I'm invoking a function rather than simply referring to a property of the object.

    圆括号告诉 Rhino 解释器我正在调用一个函数,而不是简单地引用一个对象的属性。

  • Now, Barb needs to indicate to IGAA what the results of the analysis were such that IGAA can properly guide her to the next step (Figure 15).


  • pureQuery adds methods for heterogeneous batch updates that you call to indicate to pureQuery that you are starting and ending a batch update.

    pureQuery 添加了用于异构批处理更新的方法,可以调用这些方法来向 pureQuery 表明您开始和结束了一个批处理更新。

  • Now indicate to me the superfluous child and I shall remove it and let you get on with your tea with his Royal Excellency the American Culture.


  • Notice also a list item element with id online that shows an image that will be used to indicate to the user whether the application is online or offline.


  • Setting the TCTX parameter in the xa_open string to either true or false to indicate to that client whether the client is running in trusted context mode or not.

    将 xa_open 字符串中的 TCTX 参数设置为 true 或 false,以表明客户机是否在受信任上下文模式中运行。

  • For example, to indicate to the optimizer that all maintained table types should be considered for optimization, you would set the special register as follows


  • In order to indicate to index.php that the module needs to be found in the plugin directory, you will use more of a path name in the URL for the act parameter.

    为了向index . php表明需要在插件目录中查找模块,您将在act参数的URL中使用一个路径名。
