IF the consequences were not so serious, it would be tempting to mock the fiascos and flip-flops of America's intelligence services.
Second, he reckons that it bolstered his efforts to improve the shoddy quality of manufacturing, to protect the firm from future fiascos.
We're certainly the experts on liability reduction, fiascos, and amazing PR”, tweeted Fake Lucas Van Praag, who impersonates the public-relations chief of Goldman Sachs on Twitter.
不可否认地,我们是削减负债、收拾残局以及魅力公关的专家” 伪卢卡斯•范•普拉格(Fake Lucas Van Praag)在Twitter上如此模仿高盛(Goldman Sachs)公关总监的口吻。
Food sellers deciding how to inform consumers about nutritional quality is a classic case of the fox guarding the hen house, and results in feather-flying fiascos like Smart Choices.