Sticking to our 'mercantilist' guns.
Of course, mercantilist thinking has moved on since the 18th century.
However widespread this mercantilist spirit, not everyone thinks it is a good thing.
It is a rather mercantilist attitude to culture, but then it is only following a well-trodden path.
The emergence of mercantilist ideas in modern China and that in the West are historically inevitable.
Mr Hickey sees China's currency policy as part of "a mercantilist plan" to gain market share in the US.
Rather like mercantilist countries in the offline realm, both companies operate policies to protect this asset.
On contrast, variables associated with mercantilist motives often lost their statistical significant in the tests.
India is no mercantilist adding to global imbalances. It imports more than it exports, creating much needed global demand.
With employment less than full and Net National Product suboptimal, all the debunked mercantilist arguments turn out to be valid.
Because the alternative - unleashing deflationary forces stored up over years of mercantilist policies - would be too painful to contemplate.
What initially has appeared to be a strategically sophisticated neo-mercantilist policy may well prove to be very short-sighted in the longer run.
Unless domestic protectionist sentiment becomes overwhelming, there is no reason for the Americans to attack Asia's mercantilist foreign exchange policies.
An article in the Times of India accused the Economist of 'mercantilist thinking at its worst' by treating a current-account surplus as good, a deficit bad.
By scaring off CNOOC, a state-owned Chinese oil firm that wanted to buy America's Unocal last year, America foolishly strengthened this mercantilist instinct.
But you have to bear in mind that the really outlandish actor here is China: never before in history has a nation followed this drastic a mercantilist policy.
In the mercantilist age, there were two categories of the British policy for promoting employment. One was the national policy of creating employment opportunity.
This perceived mercantilist approach to energy is in turn leading New Delhi to use its own state-owned NOCs to secure India exclusive access to foreign energy supplies.
Unwittingly or not, Mr Noda has thrust mercantilist Japan into a central position on a trade treaty in which free movement of everything except Labour is on the table.
China has again been preventing the renminbi from strengthening and the jury is still out on whether the country intends to depart from its mercantilist growth strategy.
Furthermore, the quantitative magnitude of the precautionary variables is obviously larger than the quantitative magnitude of the combination of mercantilist variables.
Kocca puts the mercantilist case for the importance of power and culture in its stilted brochure: "in the information era, it was considered as the leading world technology."
That raises the specter of a round of competitive devaluations - just the kind of mercantilist nightmare that could derail the already shaky recovery from the Great Recession.