What is Driving Offence Points System?
Local councils to allocate housing on a points system.
The study of 4,000 children used a points system to score their diets.
The study of 4, 000 children used a points system to score their diets.
Weight Watchers will focus your consumption of foods based on the points system.
A points system rewards users who submit questions, provide answers or rate the answers provided by other people.
Objective To observe the trend of death pattern of the population Zhengzhou by Disease Surveillance Points System (DSPs).
In cooperative learning, relative progress scoring, group points system and rating system are all effective evaluation forms.
For the duration of the season our junior tour will have a points system to keep track of standings for the juniors competing.
Even Australia and Canada, which pioneered the "points system" to give preference to skilled workers, have cut back on work permits.
EvenAustraliaandCanada, which pioneered the "points system" to give preference to skilled workers, have cut back on work permits.
Provide free reinforcement packaging services according to the package content. Support Alipay recharge. There are points system can be arrived at.
The measure methods of the accumulated-points system are studied in the paper , point out their advantage and shortcomings, give some good the measure methods.
We expect it to be more about getting out, exploring your city and doing things that you normally wouldn't do than the current points system which focuses mainly on checkins.
The Home Office consultation paper proposes a new category of "probationary citizen" whose application for a British passport can be speeded up or slowed down depending on the points system.
This allows you to link "estimating dimensions" with the major functional parts of the system expressed using function points.
This is likely the first step towards incorporating tips and to-dos into the Points 2.0 system (below).
You can use it to set the file system types, mount points, partition sizes, and more.
The system should create a resumption point (of the scheduled, manual, and installation varieties) at different points of time before a problem with the system occurs.
As a system becomes more complex, the potential entry points for breach of security increase.
The system awards points and virtual badges to players depending on how often they go out and which places they visit.
Countries like Britain and Canada use a "points" system, which aims to select migrants who have educational levels or specialised skills that are deemed economically desirable.
The architect also stays in close touch with the developers' progress and especially tracks the status of integration points between modules in the system.
The join point model, the most fundamental and distinguishing concept in AOP, defines which join points in a system are exposed and how they are captured.
Since the Software Release record, the Incident record and the Work Request record are all related there are a couple of points where the system does some validation.
The connecting lines are arcs, and the points within the Cartesian coordinate system are nodes.
Over-commitment or erroneous estimations created stress points on the system test team, as well as the other members of the overall team.