This is an unfortunate name, because they are not cilia but long protoplasmic extensions.
We have seen this journey from a single atom to a complex protoplasmic biological phenomenon called life.
The differentiated gliocytes in free and low serum media were protoplasmic astrocytes, and fibrous astrocytes in high fetus serum media.
At the same time, she felt strangely displaced, not quite her usual tidy ego but merged with Leonard into a great big protoplasmic, ecstatic thing.
The evolutional course of bipolar nerve cells, multipolar neurons, pyramidal-like cells, radial glial cells and protoplasmic astrocytes were described.
The special character of these cells is the striking arrangement of their nerve filament [axon], which arises from the cell body but also very often from any thick, protoplasmic expansion [dendrite].
The main characteristics of drought tolerance in plants which are of the ability of dehydration tolerance with low water potential are maintenance of turgor and protoplasmic desiccation tolerance.