You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll stay up way too late reading this fabulous story.
As a kid, I walked to the library several times a week and stayed up late reading.
He sometimes sits up very late reading.
You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, and you’ll stay up way too late reading this fabulous story.
Prepping for the conference on Albert Camus in Paris, I stayed up late reading my old battered copy of The Outsider.
在巴黎,我正准备参加一场关于加缪的会议。 那天晚上我翻着一本已经被折腾得很旧的《局外人》。
The inquiry is worth reading for the light it shines on one of Wall Street's murkiest businesses in the late stages of the mortgage boom - the issuance and trading of synthetic subprime CDOs.
In the late twentieth century, there was a move to replace classic literature used in most schools and universities with a more diverse reading list.
There, surrounded by books, young Ben would often stay up late into the night reading on a wide range of subjects; and as he read, he practiced improving his own style of writing.
Sure, you might have a bit more time for your dreams if you came into work late every day, or pretended to be working while you were really reading about the new guitar you want to buy.
In the most recent test, which focused on science, Finland's students placed first in science and near the top in math and reading, according to results released late last year.
He stayed up late, watching basketball or reading, waiting until he knew that Colleen had fallen asleep and then slipping silently into bed beside her, careful not to disturb her.
No more late nights reading and re-reading your notes until you feel like you’ve paid your academic dues.
Decades later he would abandon his companions late in the evening to retire to the solitude of his study, where reading glasses, a book and a steaming pot of tea awaited him.
Staying up late, listening to silly soppy songs on radio, re-reading old letters. Where's the harm in that?
Late in the night, as I was sitting by myself at a table in the dining area reading a book and drinking coffee, a fight broke out at the bar.
He would no longer have to use the computer for his late-night reading.
Reading, don't hate the night forever. Better late than never read.
Late night reading material consists of a rule book used by German Federal Railways.
It took a determined homeschooling neighbor, my own "late" reading daughters and the research of pioneering homeschool advocates, Raymond and Dorothy Moore to convince me otherwise.
Is the reader leaning late and reading there.
He lay on his bed reading late into the night, Hedwig swooping in and out of the open window as she pleased.
Reading is the biggest reason to want to get rid of mediocrity, a day earlier is a wonderful life. Late one day be an extra day of mediocre.
I have spent whole days reading a book, and I occasionally stay up late at night with a good novel.
You really should break the habit of reading your horoscope every day, before it's too late.
Don't smoke, don't drink, don't sleep late and get up late, reading philosophy, science, psychology, some you've always think boring books, to know the world the basic rules and common sense.
Late one evening in the darling home, the eldest of the darling children, Wendy, is reading a bed time story to her younger brothers, Michael and John.