If you ever get the impression that your dog can "tell" whether you look content or annoyed, you may be onto something.
However, Apple might be onto something.
Science says: She may be onto something.
Once that's done, he said he'll be onto something else.
Though it is a nice idea, as yet there is no conclusive evidence that he might be onto something.
Now if only we could clean up our supply of electricity too, then we really might be onto something good for the planet…
On the other hand, if you can point to a small group of people that your idea will be insanely helpful to, you might be onto something.
If you get a hunch when your husband tells you he's off to play golf and you're suspicious he may be playing away, you could well be onto something.
You will be able to see something if you climb onto those rocks.
It can be held in the hand, moved, and put into or onto something.
In the middle of a mental and physical breakdown I stumbled onto something that may be one of the best things I have ever done for my health.
Our findings have yet to be published, so I can't tell you much here, but we think we're onto something.
"You must know something or you wouldn't be here." Hansen bent down to balance the cigarette back onto the ashtray.
So if you catch yourself working hard and loving every minute of it, don't stop, because you're onto something big, and hard work will not be hard when you concentrate on your passions and dreams.