Bir mail or ordinary mail?
Don't wait to have a lot, to share a bir.
In recent years, BIR Algorithms have been studied widely.
In recent years, BIR Algorithms (BIRA) have been studied widely.
In Bir Ghanam few of the 40 front-line fighters at the gypsum factory pray regularly.
在Bir Ghanam的石膏厂,有不到40个前线战士会定期祈祷。
The build-in reliability (BIR) methodology, on the contrary, preserves the merits of fast response, early alarm, and closed-loop control.
内建可靠性方法正好相反,它具有迅速 反馈、早期预警和循环控制等优点。
Installed near the Bir-Hakeim Bridge, the Saut DE Seine Bridge is formed of inflatable modules, like giant life-preservers, 30 meters in diameter.
They have advanced into the Jifarah plain, capturing the power station at Shakshuk, and pushed to the outskirts of Bir Ghanam, 80km (50 miles) from Tripoli.
他们挺进杰法拉平原,占领了Shakshuk的发电站,并朝着距黎波里仅80公里(50英里)的Bir Ghanam郊区逼近。
When point spread function (PSF) is not known or only partially determined, restoration of the degraded images is called blind image restoration (BIR).
Conclusion During recirculation treatment with GM1 exhibited a promising effect of improvement of memory impairment by BIR, and it may be related the reduction of DND.
结论复灌开始后连续应用GM 1治疗对脑缺血造成的记忆障碍有明显改善作用,这可能与其减少迟发性神经元死亡有关。
The BIR, recently in negotiations with Sicpa to lower the cost of its technology to manufacturers who will bear the added burden, has reduced this by at least 20 centavos.