For more info go to the BlackBerry Technical Solution Center and search for 'BlackBerry Desktop Manager Installation Error 1720'.
如需详细资讯,到黑莓的技术解决方案中心和搜寻'黑莓桌面管理器安装错误1720 '。
He is primarily responsible for the Pegasus' solution center, an overlay to the company's global sales organization supporting complex deals across both supply and demand channels.
However, the improved resilience of the solution in case of a data center outage should not be underestimated.
The content is available for reuse in your new and existing solution information center projects.
Browse the results, selecting the articles you want to capture for your solution information center.
Figure 10 shows an example of a solution information center in which a demonstration is running.
Solution provider takeaway: Learn which green storage technologies will reduce your clients' power consumption and help them better allocate their data center resources.
Start a project, which corresponds to one solution information center.
The description is used to generate an HTML page for your solution information center.
However, as shown in the solution information center in Figure 1, you can change the default navigation view to suit your needs.
As shown in Figure 1, the information center navigation, home page, and browser title can be customized for the specific solution.
If you deliver the solution information center and the project you used to create it, the recipient can extend the information center with more documentation throughout the solution life cycle.
If you complete the steps in this article before contacting the support center, it will expedite a solution, since you already have the data.
Soon, you'll have the makings of a task-oriented solution information center without needing information development or user experience skills.
The information center is organized in two parts: the solution planning guide and the development topology guide.
The information center needs a home page to tell users about the solution.
This second consumer can flood the request queue of the service with a large number of messages in a short time, making it difficult for the call center solution to continue to perform as appropriate.
As a result, running the same configuration commands in the disaster data center as you did in the primary data center will not give the disaster recovery solution we describe in this paper.
Three workers at a uranium-processing plant in Tokaimura, then the center of the Japanese nuclear-power industry, improperly mixed a uranium solution. A blue flash heralded trouble.
IBM Mashup Center: Download a trial version of IBM Mashup Center to try the solution example described in this article.
IBM Mashup Center:下载IBM Mashup Center的试用版,尝试本文中描述的解决方案示例。
Customize the solution information center for a specific audience, such as one client.
Start a custom solution information center.
In the resulting Package solution information dialog box, specify a destination for the exported information center.
This article demonstrates how to build up your own solution using Lotus Quickr content services; it includes an example of a customized search center.
本文演示如何使用Lotus Quickr内容服务构建您自己的解决方案;它包含一个定制搜索中心例子。
When you provide a copy of a Web page, the page's contents are displayed directly in the content frame of your solution information center, as shown in Figure 2.
Test the steps that will be taken by the recipient of your solution information center.
Recall that the Toolkit for Custom and Reusable Solution Information supports collecting several types of content to publish in a custom solution information center.
Toolkit for Custom and Reusable Solution Information 支持收集几种不同类型的内容来在一个定制的解决方案信息中心发表。
One solution is to have the Communications Center to centralize communication, maintain contacts lists, and categorize your e-mails on the same common message board.
一种解决的方法是利用Communications Center在同一个公共消息留言板进行集中交流、保存联系人列表和进行电子邮件分类。
For more information, see Configurable message flow properties in the message Broker information center. The solution presented here addresses the requirement in two stages.
有关更多信息,请参见message Broker信息中心的Configurable message flow properties。
The Center enabled the Navy, Lockheed Martin and Lakota to rapidly move from a prototype capability to a robust, well-tested solution that is now part of the official Aegis baseline.