Cindy Adams (Columnist) : he's not purporting to be Mother Teresa.
An announcement purporting to come from the group was posted on the Internet.
Another week, another survey purporting to reveal great truths about ourselves.
Photos purporting to show the new iPhone were leaked on the Internet over the weekend.
Many tales were accompanied with photos purporting to show spiders half the size of a human.
Centres purporting to use spiritual powers to find remains have sprung up, some charging hefty fees.
The general took along a flipchart of tables purporting to show that the "surge" of recent months was beginning to work.
We had a mother who was purporting to cooperate and who again and again was taking her kid to various doctors and support agencies.
Various fraudulent schemes purporting to be from or associated with the World Health Organization (WHO), have been circulating.
There have been all sorts of calculations purporting to show that the renminbi isn't really undervalued, or at least not by much.
No registered ship shall fly any colours purporting to be or closely resembling the proper colours which are not the proper colours.
Earlier this year, the investigation into Hwang Woo-suk showed the South Korean scientist had changed images purporting to show cloning.
今年早些时候,一项对黄禹锡(Hwang Woo - suk)的调查发现这位韩国科学家改变图片使其用于表现克隆。
Among these, we found a fascinating propaganda film shot by the Japanese in 1937 purporting to show the benevolence of their occupation.
However, there was confusion about the status of the allegations when the man purporting to be their author said they were "only his opinions".
The Internet security firm Websense said thousands of malicious fake messages had been sent out, purporting to come from Facebook Support.
Various scam emails purporting or implying to be from or associated with the World Health Organization (WHO), have been circulating on the Internet.
Raphaelhad posted a fake page on Facebook purporting to be that of a formerschoolfriend Matthew Firsht, with whom Raphael had fallen out in 2000.
拉斐尔已发布了虚假Facebook的网页上看来是说,一名前schoolfriend马修Firsht ,他们拉斐尔已经下降,在2000年。
We have been informed that some parents received a bogus phone call, purporting to be from school, saying that their child had been taken to hospital.
In a statement, Sony warned customers to be on the lookout for any contact via email, telephone or post purporting to be official Sony correspondence.
Fans eat at Twilight restaurants, drink at Twilight bars and can have their photographs taken by a truck purporting to belong to the novels' heroine, Bella.
In a video posted online purporting to show images of the last minutes of Knut's life, he repeatedly turns around in a circle and then tumbles into the water.
In the event of any conflict between these terms and Conditions and any document purporting to impose different terms, these terms and Conditions will prevail.
Video footage emerged purporting to show a rebel attack on a compound said to belong to Ayesha, Gaddafi's youngest natural child, but this could not be confirmed.
Unfortunately, the antitrust law purporting to eliminate administrative monopoly ignores property, a core institution that exerts an important effect on protection.
About the same time, time magazine ran a cover photograph purporting to show George Stephanopoulos peering over my shoulder as I sat at my desk fretting over Whitewater.
They had reportedly taken counterfeit copies of drugs purporting to treat erectile dysfunction but which contained a hefty dose of glyburide, used for treating diabetes.