Tom was peeping through a shutter at Lady Godiva.
Recently someone gave me a box of Godiva chocolates as a gift.
This toxic orange Godiva nudibranch was photographed in the Raja Ampat islands, Papua, Indonesia.
But when the Godiva is gone, the gift of real love is having someone who'll go the distance with you.
So when Godiva persuaded her reluctant husband to reduce their tax burden, he agreed to do so at a price.
The British film Lady Godiva is a romantic comedy shot set in modern day Oxford in the vein of Notting Hill and Bridget Jones.
英国电影《戈黛娃夫人》是一部拍摄于Notting Hill和Bridget Jones之间现代牛津的浪漫喜剧。
Treat your loved one for a trip to Bangkok as your Valentine's Day celebration and KLM will give you a box of GODIVA chocolate!
But before concluding that a box of Godiva truffles is health food, chocolate lovers may want to consider some of the study's weaknesses.
In 1040 Leofric, Lord of Coventry, imposed a tax on the people of the town. When there was an outcry at this, his wife, Lady Godiva, besought him to remove the tax.
What's more, you'll truly enjoy those indulgences like the creamy feel of a Godiva truffle or a 10-minute shoulder massage at an airport kiosk when your flight is delayed.
实际上,你可以把那些嗜好当做是享受戈代娃松露(Godiva truffle )一样,或是你的航班延后了,你可以到机场的凉亭做一个肩部按摩。
Muret rose quickly through Godiva, starting out as supervisor of product development and being promoted several times before becoming a global executive chef chocolated in 2008.