Medusa jumped out, and the Garners squeezed out after her.
The Garners embraced Davenport's widow and offered tearful thanks.
Why do some Chinese Co. s think that association garners validity?
The Garners had two dogs, two rabbits, four cats, and several terrariums full of tarantulas.
This process affects virtually every aspect of our lives, and therefore garners a great deal of attention.
Some people wander into disaster's path at random; others, like the Garners, are led by overpowering desire.
Yet as the film starts with Thatcher as a senile, lonely old lady, it inadvertently garners sympathy for her.
Yet as the film starts with Thatcher as a senile, lonely old lady, it inadvertently garners sympathy for her.
Her grandparents and an uncle, Tamitha's brother Jack Retallick, set up a command post in the Garners' living room.
Focal listening garners detail from any sound and global listening brings expansion through the whole field of sound .
The seed is rotten under their clods, the garners are laid desolate, the barns are broken down; for the corn is withered.
It also regularly garners accolades from the South Sea Pearl Design Awards, the most recent being a Bronze award in 2003.
This pattern teaches kids to control their emotions ~ a trait that garners them popularity among superiors and peers, he said.
The official jobless rate, which garners the bulk of attention from politicians and the public, was reported on Friday to have risen to 9.7 percent in August.
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在Twitter上推信息,在facebook上分享,在Tumblr上分想任何东西,等等,都是值得你花费少少时间的。 但是我发现什么收获都比不上搜集一些好文章的好想法。
As the days passed, and the cycle of storm and clearing continued, the Garners realized that their best hope of survival was to abandon the truck and walk back the way they'd come.
The majority of spec scripts from inexperienced writers are never produced, but a successful screenplay that garners attention from a major producer can mark the beginning of a distinguished career.
But the scope of the investigation has since widened to regions including Latin America, where the company garners the bulk of its sales and profits, according to the person familiar with the matter.