IPBES chair Robert Watson says the "overwhelming evidence" presents an "ominous picture".
IPBES 主席罗伯特·沃森说,“压倒性的证据”呈现出一种“不祥之兆”。
Lastly, it ignores overwhelming evidence to contrary.
Overwhelming evidence proves the danger and harm of smoking.
There is no overwhelming evidence to suggest which approach offers superior returns to the investors.
Overall, experts say there is overwhelming evidence that a reduction in sodium improves heart health.
There is no overwhelming evidence to suggest which approach offers superior returns to the investors.
Believe that change can happen, even after overwhelming evidence says things never seem to get better.
But given the overwhelming evidence Senior assembles, isn't it fair to expect some sort of real answer?
He reiterated his denial that the FARC are active in his country. That flies in the face of overwhelming evidence.
I do believe there is overwhelming evidence that this is so even though it has not yet been scientifically proven.
And people who say that the market is the answer are flying in the face of both theory and overwhelming evidence.
"So you bring all these bits together and there seems to be overwhelming evidence that she was involved," Jarvis said.
On the day Duggan was shot, there is overwhelming evidence he had obtained a firearm, and there is video supporting that.
Skeptics will also point to the overwhelming evidence that all so-called effects of prayer can be explained through mere coincidence.
By providing overwhelming evidence of our great genetic similarity to other animal species, biology gives us a lesson in humility.
"I think there's overwhelming evidence that global warming is happening and that human activity is responsible for it," Staudt said.
Nearly all theories of history assume that it has meaning and purpose, but there is no overwhelming evidence to support this concept.
Yet that overwhelming evidence can never be produced because many of the fundamental questions about banking have no clear or easy answers.
Overwhelming evidence shows that human activities are affecting the global climate. Climate change has serious implications for public health.
Your primary origin is in fact from the Pleades and Sirius, yet despite overwhelming evidence, it is largely dismissed as delusion by mankind.
In the face of overwhelming evidence I admit I'm wrong. trying to justify the Chinese MSN word blocker is one of the more boneheaded things I've done.
Here, again, was Dumbledore's tendency to trust people in spite of overwhelming evidence that they did not deserve it! But then Harry remembered something...
Despite the overwhelming evidence, the health sector has been slow to promote early child development and to support families with appropriate information and skills.
"There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem, the more likely one will be to treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity." -nathaniel Branden.
Mr Shermer is interested in how such beliefs come to be held, and why they can persist even in the face of what, to others, can seem to be the overwhelming evidence that contradicts them.
而且薛默先生(Mr Shermer)还展示了他的深入研究:人们是怎么怀有这样的信念和为什么他们在面对似乎有压倒性证据去反驳他们时还固执己见。